On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 11:37:47 PM UTC-8, Brendan Barnwell wrote:

Yes, I realize I can do that.  The problem is that (if I understand right) 
> unless I put it in the web2py folder, web2py won't know about it.  I can 
> symlink it (or directory-junction it, in windows), but that still seems 
> quite awkward to me.  I feel like it would make more sense if the 
> information about where web2py looks for applications was part of web2py's 
> own configuration, not so closely tied to the directory structure on disk.
As a Mercurial user, I am quite comfortable having my repository in the 
applications/myapp directory.  Because Mercurial is a DVCS, I can keep my 
code elsewhere as well (even on another system) and pull or push to keep 
them synchronized.  Git is also a DVCS, and I would not be surprised to 
find that it can hide nicely in the application folder as well.  I'd even 
expect web2py to play nice with an SVN workspace in the application folder 
(but the repo would be on a real SVN server only).

Because I'm comfortable with doing my source control in situ, I don't feel 
any need to not have my app as a subdirectory in the tree.  And, 
independent of source control, fab files make it easy to deploy an updated 
app from development to production.  (Or if you're a chef or salt guru, I'm 
sure knocking off a recipe is pretty straightforward, but I've only read 
the tutorials for those guys, and fab files may be all I need.)

My 2 cents, which isn't going to buy a cup of coffee anywhere, and I've 
only done smallish projects so far.  I'm sure there are folks in the group 
who have done actual large scale deployments and have tried different 
things.  I can tell from their posts that some of the regulars here (like 
Anthony) have seen many an app over the course of time.


On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 3:38:23 PM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
>> This seems like a rather odd setup.  With this setup, my application is 
>>> stored under the web2py directory tree.  But I want to put my application 
>>> code in its own directory --- in particular, in its own repository.  My 
>>> application's code should be handled separately from the code of web2py 
>>> itself.
>> In addition to Massimo's explanation, note that just because an 
>> application folder exists inside the web2py folder does not preclude you 
>> from making an individual application its own repository -- you can locate 
>> a repository anywhere in the filesystem.
>> Anthony

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