On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 3:40:17 PM UTC-5, Brendan Barnwell wrote:
> On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 10:21:54 AM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 2:37:47 AM UTC-5, Brendan Barnwell wrote:
>>> Yes, I realize I can do that.  The problem is that (if I understand 
>>> right) unless I put it in the web2py folder, web2py won't know about it. 
>> I'm not sure I follow. If you realize you can leave your application 
>> folder inside /web2py/applications and simply create a version control 
>> repository right there, then why is it a "problem" that it must be inside 
>> the web2p folder?
> Basically because my web2py application is only one part of a larger 
> project, other parts of which have nothing to do with web2py.  (I write web 
> apps for use as online experiments/surveys.  The app collects the data, but 
> the analysis is done offline, and then other things are done with that 
> data/analysis that are unconnected with the web2py app that was used to 
> collect it.)  What I want is to have a directory for that project, and a 
> subdirectory within that for the web2py app.  But I can't do that now 
> without symlinking my subdirectory into the web2py folder.

Got it. It's helpful to understand the use case.

> I suppose we could allow further configuration, but that would add 
>> complexity to the routing system and the functioning of the admin app. We 
>> tend to avoid additional complexity unless there is a compelling benefit. 
>> It's hard to see the compelling benefit here.
> The compelling benefit I see is that it enables a web2py app to be one 
> part of a larger project, rather than forcing that entire project to be 
> stuffed under the web2py directory.

By compelling benefit, I meant for the larger community -- I'm not sure 
this is a common scenario. If there's demand, though, I'm sure something 
can be done.


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