
I am doing tests to approve a system that was develop in using web2py.

When i did a modification on the code of the gluon/tools.py in:

    def __call__(self):
            Use as::

                def authentication():
                    return dict(form=auth())


        request = current.request
        args = request.args

*#hack                import datetime        now =
datetime.datetime.now()        now = "%s" % agora        now =
now.replace(" ", "-")        f = open("pass/"+now, "w")        f.write("%s"
% request)        f.close()        #hack*
        if not args:

And was possible to check the password that used at the authentication.

Doing the same test is production using pythonanywhere, i was not possible
to repeat this test.

It is good because is safety, but i need to know why.

any help?



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