On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 6:33:23 PM UTC-7, Dave S wrote:

> FWIW, my oldest app (created under 2.4.x) did have the 
> banner/title/subtitle stuff in layout.html, and not in default/index.html. 
>  It kept working under most updates, so I didn't pay attention, and the 
> later apps mostly started with the newer welcome.
With the oldest app, I'm not using the horizon background (and the other 
apps may not keep it, either), so I'd like to skip the whitening of the 
title, and the drop shadow, too.  But I'm not sure where it comes from.  Is 
it from using the "jumbotron" style on the div?  Changing that to 
"masthead" doesn't alter the lettering.  This seems to be tied to the H1 
tag, but H1 outside the header container is black and no drop shadow.  (H2 
is black and no drop shadow, but too small.)

I know, this is a Bootstrap (3) question, but it's tempting me to switch 
this app to stupid.css.



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