On Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 1:43:45 PM UTC-7, Dave S wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 6:33:23 PM UTC-7, Dave S wrote:
>> FWIW, my oldest app (created under 2.4.x) did have the 
>> banner/title/subtitle stuff in layout.html, and not in default/index.html. 
>>  It kept working under most updates, so I didn't pay attention, and the 
>> later apps mostly started with the newer welcome.
> With the oldest app, I'm not using the horizon background (and the other 
> apps may not keep it, either), so I'd like to skip the whitening of the 
> title, and the drop shadow, too.  But I'm not sure where it comes from.  Is 
> it from using the "jumbotron" style on the div?  Changing that to 
> "masthead" doesn't alter the lettering.  This seems to be tied to the H1 
> tag, but H1 outside the header container is black and no drop shadow.  (H2 
> is black and no drop shadow, but too small.)
> I know, this is a Bootstrap (3) question, but it's tempting me to switch 
> this app to stupid.css.
Ah, web2py-bootstrap3.css.


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