On Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 1:02:54 PM UTC-7, Peter wrote:
> I am trying to get a menu item to display additional selectable drop down 
> options...
> *default.pyif auth.user:    response.menu=[                   ( 'Home'     
>   , False , url( 'index'          ) , []),                   ( 'Companies' 
>  , False , url( 'list_companies' ) , []),                   ( 'Contacts'   
> , False , url( 'list_persons'   ) , []),                   ( 'Activities' , 
> False , url( 'list_tasks'     ) , []),                   ( 'Invoices'   , 
> False , url( 'list_invoices'  ) , []),                   ( 'Payments'   , 
> False , url( 'list_payments' ) , [                             ( 'Activity' 
>   , False , url( 'list_unpaid_activities' ) , []),                          
>    ( 'Invoice'    , False , url( 'list_unpaid_invoices' ) , []),            
>                                                           ]),              
>      ( 'Reports'    , False , url( 'list_reports' ) , [])                  
> ]layout.html*
>   <div id="menu">
>    {{=MENU(response.menu)}}
>   </div>
> The result from above code produces the submenu options permanently below 
> the parent option and horizontally aligned (see attached).
> I have read through the online doc but the references are not helping me, 
> I can see gluon.tools auth has navbar with methods ''menu'', ''bootstrap3'' 
> and ''bare'' but I have no idea how to assign response.menu (or invoke the 
> MENU wrapper) correctly?
> Does the menu need to be custom coded (as per the comments section under 
> the 'bare' function in navbar) or is there something I am doing wrong in 
> the code above?   
> any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

The change to Bootstrap3 limited the nesting levels of submenus ... only 1 
sub-level now, I believe.  This was a reflection of the popularity of 
portable devices, where a tree of menus runs out of screen space.

I think that the Stupid.css layout allows you to have multiple nesting 
levels, and you can look at the new version of the "examples" app for 
ideas.  (There's also a demo site where Massimo did a little showing-off 
with stupid.css:
for some random ideas)

Of course, if you have an existing app, converting to stupid.css may be 
messy, but the other choice seems to be to do some custom scripting.


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