You're setting form.vars.employee = contraa.employee.fullname 

It should be set to the employee id, not the name.  Results in the same 
problem as with contract name/id.

Should just be contraa.employee I believe...


On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 10:23:15 AM UTC-5, Oasis Agano wrote:
> i changed it to form.vars.contract =
> but still getting the same error
> On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 5:39:41 PM UTC+3, Anthony wrote:
>> In your model, db.payslip.contract is a reference field, but in your 
>> code, you attempt to assign a string value to it (form.vars.contract = 
>> contraa.contract_name).
>> Anthony
>> On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 10:04:30 AM UTC-4, Oasis Agano wrote:
>>> Models are here, if this way cant work can you suggest another way of doing 
>>> it
>>>     T('Single'),
>>>     T('Married'),
>>>     T('Divorced'),
>>>     T('Widower')
>>> ]
>>> TIME_SET = [
>>>     T('Part time'),
>>>     T('Full time'),
>>> ]
>>> STATE_SET = [
>>>     T('Trial'),
>>>     T('Employed'),
>>>     T('Fired'),
>>>     T('Retired'),
>>> ]
>>> #@auth.requires_login()
>>> db.define_table('employee',
>>>                 Field('emp_photo', 'upload',label='Photo'),
>>>                 Field('first_name','string',label='First Name'),
>>>                 Field('last_name','string',label='Last Name'),
>>>                 Field('fullname','string',readable='False',compute=lambda 
>>> r: r.first_name+' '+r.last_name),
>>>                 Field('email','string'),
>>>                 Field('phone','string'),
>>>                 Field('marital_status', requires=IS_IN_SET(MARITAL_SET, 
>>> zero=T('--choose marital status--'))),
>>>                 Field('number_of_children', 'string'),
>>>                 Field('name_of_children','text'),
>>>                 Field('address','text'),
>>>                 Field('Manager', 'reference employee'),
>>>                 #Field('date','datetime'),
>>>                 Field('dob', 'datetime', label='Date of Birth'),
>>>                 Field('doj', 'datetime', label='Hired Date'),
>>>                 Field('ismanager', 'boolean', default=False,label='Is 
>>> Department Manager'),
>>>                 Field('department', 'reference 
>>> department',requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, "", 
>>> '%(department_name)s'))),
>>>                 Field('user', 'reference 
>>> auth_user',requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, "", 
>>> '%(fullname)s'))),
>>>                 Field('job', 'reference job_title'),
>>>                 Field('Other', 'text'),
>>>                 Field('state', requires=IS_IN_SET(STATE_SET, 
>>> zero=T('--choose employment status--'))),
>>>                 auth.signature,
>>>                 format='%(fullname)s'
>>>                 )
>>> db.define_table('job_title',
>>>                 Field('job_name', 'string', label='Job Title'),
>>>                 auth.signature,
>>>                 format='%(job_name)s'
>>>                 )
>>> #db = DAL(lazy_tables=True)
>>> db.define_table('department',
>>>                 Field('department_name', 'string', label='Department Name'),
>>>                 Field('parent_dept', 'reference department'),
>>>                 Field('Other', 'text'),
>>>                 format='%(department_name)s'
>>>                 )
>>> #db.employee.department.requires = IS_IN_DB(db,, 
>>> '%(department_name)s')
>>>     T('Employee'),
>>>     T('Consultant'),
>>>     T('Freelance'),
>>>     T('Internship'),
>>> ]
>>>     T('Less than 30000'),
>>>     T('Between 30000 and 100000'),
>>>     T('Great than 100000')
>>> ]
>>>     T('Draft'),
>>>     T('Running'),
>>>     T('Expired/To Renew'),
>>>     T('Closed'),
>>>     T('Cancelled'),
>>> ]
>>> db.define_table('contract',
>>>                 Field('employee', 'reference employee', required='true',
>>>                       requires=IS_IN_DB(db, "", '%(fullname)s')),
>>>                 # Field('date','datetime'),
>>>                 Field('contract_name', 'string', label='Contract Title'),
>>>                 Field('contract_type', requires=IS_IN_SET(CONTRACTTYPE_SET, 
>>> zero=T('--choose contract type--'))),
>>>                 Field('salary_structure', 
>>> requires=IS_IN_SET(SALARYSTRUCTURE_SET, zero=T('--choose salary type--'))),
>>>                 Field('job', 'reference job_title'),
>>>                 Field('contract_scan', 'upload',label='Contract Upload'),
>>>                 Field('date_trial_start', 'datetime', label='Starting Trial 
>>> Date'),
>>>                 Field('date_trial_end', 'datetime', label='End Trial Date'),
>>>                 Field('date_work_start', 'datetime', label='Starting 
>>> Working Date'),
>>>                 Field('date_work_end', 'datetime', label='End of Contract'),
>>>                 Field('wage', 'float'),
>>>                 Field('rssb', 'boolean', default=True, label='Pay RSSB'),
>>>                 Field('batch', 'boolean', default=True, label='Enable Batch 
>>> Payslip'),
>>>                 Field('allowances', 'float'),
>>>                 Field('visa_no', 'string', label='Visa No'),
>>>                 Field('work_permit_no', 'string', label='Work Permit No'),
>>>                 Field('visa_exp', 'datetime', label='Visa Expiry Date'),
>>>                 Field('other','text'),
>>>                 Field('state', requires=IS_IN_SET(CONTRACTSTATE_SET, 
>>> zero=T('--State--'))),
>>>                 auth.signature
>>>                 )
>>>     T('Draft'),
>>>     T('Confirmed'),
>>>     T('Refused'),
>>>     T('Paid'),
>>> ]
>>>     T('Advance'),
>>>     T('Long Term'),
>>> ]
>>> db.define_table('loans',
>>>                 Field('loan_name', 'string', label='Loan Title'),
>>>                 Field('employee', 'reference employee', required='true',
>>>                       requires=IS_IN_DB(db, "", '%(fullname)s')),
>>>                 Field('contract', 'reference contract', required='true',
>>>                       requires=IS_IN_DB(db, "", 
>>> '%(contract_name)s')),
>>>                 Field('loan_type', requires=IS_IN_SET(LOANTYPE_SET, 
>>> zero=T('--Type--'))),
>>>                 Field('loan_amount', 'float',label='Loan Amount'),
>>>                 Field('paid', 'float', label='Amount Paid',default='0.0'),
>>>                 Field('balance', 'float', label='Loan Amount 
>>> Remaining',default='0.0',readable=False),
>>>                 Field('date','datetime',label='Date 
>>> request',,
>>>                 Field('date_start', 'datetime', label='Start of Payment'),
>>>                 Field('no_of_months', 'integer',label='No of Months'),
>>>                 Field('state', requires=IS_IN_SET(LOANSTATE_SET, 
>>> zero=T('--State--')),default='Draft'),
>>>                 auth.signature
>>>                 )
>>> db.define_table('loanpayment',
>>>                 Field('loanpayment_name', 'string', label='Payment Title'),
>>>                 Field('employee', 'reference employee', required='true',
>>>                       requires=IS_IN_DB(db, "", '%(fullname)s')),
>>>                 Field('loan', 'reference loans', required='true',
>>>                       requires=IS_IN_DB(db, "", '%(loan_name)s')),
>>>                 Field('amount_payed', 'float', label='Loan Amount Payed'),
>>>                 Field('date', 'datetime', label='Date of Payment'),
>>>                 auth.signature
>>>                 )
>>>     T('Draft'),
>>>     T('Confirmed'),
>>>     T('Closed'),
>>>     T('Cancelled'),
>>> ]
>>> db.define_table('payslip',
>>>                 Field('employee', 'reference employee', required='true',
>>>                       requires=IS_IN_DB(db, "", '%(fullname)s')),
>>>                 Field('contract', 'reference contract', required='true',
>>>                       requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, "", 
>>> '%(contract_name)s'))),
>>>                 Field('payslip_name', 'string', label='Payslip Title'),
>>>                 Field('gross', 'float',readable=False, writable=False),
>>>                 Field('net', 'float',readable=False, writable=False),
>>>                 Field('rssb_emp','float',readable=False, writable=False),
>>>                 Field('rssb_comp','float',readable=False, writable=False),
>>>                 Field('rssb_tot','float',readable=False, writable=False),
>>>                 Field('paye','float',readable=False, writable=False),
>>>                 #Field('loan','float',default='0'),
>>>                 Field('loan', 'reference loanpayment',label='Loan 
>>> ',requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, "", 
>>> '%(loanpayment_name)s'))),
>>>                 Field('date','datetime',,
>>>                 Field('date_pay_start', 'datetime', label='Start of Payment 
>>> Period'),
>>>                 Field('date_pay_end', 'datetime', label='End of Payment 
>>> Period'),
>>>                 #Field('contract_type', 
>>> requires=IS_IN_SET(CONTRACTTYPE_SET, zero=T('--choose contract 
>>> type--')),readable=False, writable=False),
>>>                 #Field('salary_structure', 
>>> requires=IS_IN_SET(SALARYSTRUCTURE_SET, zero=T('--choose salary 
>>> type--')),readable=False, writable=False),
>>>                 #Field('job', 'reference job_title',readable=False, 
>>> writable=False),
>>>                 Field('user', 'reference auth_user',label='Link to 
>>> User',requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, "", '%(fullname)s'))),
>>>                 Field('state', requires=IS_IN_SET(PAYSLIPSTATE_SET, 
>>> zero=T('--State--'))),
>>>                 auth.signature
>>>                 )
>>> On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 5:00:14 PM UTC+3, Anthony wrote:
>>>> Well, you still haven't shown your models. My guess is one of your 
>>>> fields is a reference field, which stores long int values representing the 
>>>> record ID of the referenced record, but you are attempting to insert a 
>>>> string value.
>>>> Anyway, your approach won't work because SQLFORM only does a single 
>>>> insert, which happens after the onvalidation callback runs. So, only the 
>>>> last set of form.vars values assigned in the onvalidation for loop will 
>>>> end 
>>>> up being inserted in the database.
>>>> Anthony
>>>> On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 9:56:34 AM UTC-4, Oasis Agano wrote:
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>   File "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\", 
>>>>> line 227, in restricted
>>>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "D:/lab/PycharmProjects/Smartwork/web2py/applications/smartwork/controllers/"
>>>>> <>,
>>>>>  line 708, in <module>
>>>>>   File "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\", line 
>>>>> 417, in <lambda>
>>>>>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "D:/lab/PycharmProjects/Smartwork/web2py/applications/smartwork/controllers/"
>>>>> <>,
>>>>>  line 300, in batch_payslip
>>>>>     if form.process(onvalidation=check_batch).accepted:
>>>>>   File "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\", line 
>>>>> 2298, in process
>>>>>     self.validate(**kwargs)
>>>>>   File "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\", line 
>>>>> 2236, in validate
>>>>>     if self.accepts(**kwargs):
>>>>>   File "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\", line 
>>>>> 1746, in accepts
>>>>> = self.table.insert(**fields)
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\packages\dal\pydal\",
>>>>>  line 726, in insert
>>>>>     ret = self._db._adapter.insert(self, self._listify(fields))
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\packages\dal\pydal\adapters\",
>>>>>  line 739, in insert
>>>>>     query = self._insert(table,fields)
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\packages\dal\pydal\adapters\",
>>>>>  line 730, in _insert
>>>>>     values = ','.join(self.expand(v, f.type) for f, v in fields)
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\packages\dal\pydal\adapters\",
>>>>>  line 730, in <genexpr>
>>>>>     values = ','.join(self.expand(v, f.type) for f, v in fields)
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\packages\dal\pydal\adapters\",
>>>>>  line 962, in expand
>>>>>     rv = self.represent(expression, field_type)
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "D:\lab\PycharmProjects\Smartwork\web2py\gluon\packages\dal\pydal\adapters\",
>>>>>  line 1442, in represent
>>>>>     return str(long(obj))
>>>>> ValueError: invalid literal for long() with base 10: 'Jul Contract'
>>>>> Note that this contract is the second in the database
>>>>> Basically what im trying to do is create a loop(from a form) that will 
>>>>> create payslips for all running contracts
>>>>> On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 4:21:56 PM UTC+3, Anthony wrote:
>>>>>> Hard to say what the problem is without seeing the full traceback as 
>>>>>> well as your models.
>>>>>> Also, what are you trying to do in the check_batch function? You are 
>>>>>> looping through some records and making assignments to form.vars, but 
>>>>>> only 
>>>>>> the final run of the loop will end up taking effect -- so what is the 
>>>>>> point 
>>>>>> of the loop?
>>>>>> Anthony
>>>>>> On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 8:29:35 AM UTC-4, Oasis Agano wrote:
>>>>>>> Greetings
>>>>>>> im creating a payroll app and i need a to create a batch of payslips
>>>>>>> i want to create payslips for all contracts in the database within 
>>>>>>> the running state
>>>>>>>  the code
>>>>>>> def check_batch(form):
>>>>>>>     contraaa = db(db.contract.state == 
>>>>>>> 'Running').select(db.contract.ALL)
>>>>>>>     for contraa in contraaa:
>>>>>>>         if contraa.salary_structure == 'Less than 30000':
>>>>>>>             totgross=contraa.wage+contraa.allowances
>>>>>>>             form.vars.employee=contraa.employee.fullname
>>>>>>>             form.vars.payslip_name=contraa.employee.fullname
>>>>>>>             form.vars.contract=contraa.contract_name
>>>>>>>             form.vars.gross=totgross
>>>>>>>             form.vars.rssb_emp = totgross*0.03
>>>>>>>             form.vars.rssb_comp = totgross*0.05
>>>>>>>             form.vars.paye = 0
>>>>>>>             totrssb=form.vars.rssb_emp+form.vars.rssb_comp
>>>>>>>             form.vars.rssb_tot=form.vars.rssb_emp+form.vars.rssb_comp
>>>>>>>             if type( !=int :
>>>>>>>        = totgross-form.vars.rssb_emp
>>>>>>>             else:
>>>>>>>                 payy=db( == 
>>>>>>>                 for pay in payy:
>>>>>>>                     loanpay=int(pay.amount_payed)
>>>>>>>            = totgross-form.vars.rssb_emp-loanpay
>>>>>>>         elif contraa.salary_structure == 'Between 30000 and 100000':
>>>>>>>             form.vars.employee=contraa.employee.fullname
>>>>>>>             form.vars.payslip_name=contraa.employee.fullname
>>>>>>>             form.vars.contract=contraa.contract_name
>>>>>>>             totgross=contraa.wage+contraa.allowances
>>>>>>>             form.vars.gross=totgross
>>>>>>>             form.vars.rssb_emp = totgross*0.03
>>>>>>>             form.vars.rssb_comp = totgross*0.05
>>>>>>>             varia =totgross-30000
>>>>>>>             form.vars.paye = varia*0.2
>>>>>>>             totrssb=form.vars.rssb_emp+form.vars.rssb_comp
>>>>>>>             form.vars.rssb_tot=form.vars.rssb_emp+form.vars.rssb_comp
>>>>>>>             if type( !=int :
>>>>>>>        = 
>>>>>>> totgross-form.vars.rssb_emp-form.vars.paye
>>>>>>>             else:
>>>>>>>                 payy=db( == 
>>>>>>>                 for pay in payy:
>>>>>>>                     loanpay=int(pay.amount_payed)
>>>>>>>            = 
>>>>>>> totgross-form.vars.rssb_emp-form.vars.paye-loanpay
>>>>>>>             #form = SQLFORM(db.payslip)
>>>>>>>         elif contraa.salary_structure=='Great than 100000':
>>>>>>>             form.vars.employee=contraa.employee
>>>>>>>             form.vars.payslip_name=contraa.employee
>>>>>>>             form.vars.contract=contraa.contract_name
>>>>>>>             totgross=contraa.wage+contraa.allowances
>>>>>>>             form.vars.gross=totgross
>>>>>>>             form.vars.rssb_emp = totgross*0.03
>>>>>>>             form.vars.rssb_comp = totgross*0.05
>>>>>>>             varia2 =totgross-100000
>>>>>>>             variah = varia2*0.3
>>>>>>>             varia3 =70000*0.2
>>>>>>>             form.vars.paye = variah+varia3
>>>>>>>             totrssb=form.vars.rssb_emp+form.vars.rssb_comp
>>>>>>>             form.vars.rssb_tot=form.vars.rssb_emp+form.vars.rssb_comp
>>>>>>>             if type( !=int :
>>>>>>>        = 
>>>>>>> totgross-form.vars.rssb_emp-form.vars.paye
>>>>>>>             else:
>>>>>>>                 payy=db( == 
>>>>>>>                 for pay in payy:
>>>>>>>                     loanpay=int(pay.amount_payed)
>>>>>>>            = 
>>>>>>> totgross-form.vars.rssb_emp-form.vars.paye-loanpay
>>>>>>>             #form = SQLFORM(db.payslip)
>>>>>>>         else:
>>>>>>>             response.flash=T('Select a salary structure and contract')
>>>>>>> def batch_payslip():
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.gross.readonly =True
>>>>>>> =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.rssb_emp.readable =False
>>>>>>>        #db.payslip.salary_structure.readable =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.rssb_comp.readable =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.paye.readable =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.employee.readable =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.employee.writable =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.contract.readable =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.contract.writable =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.payslip_name.readable =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.payslip_name.writable =False
>>>>>>> =False
>>>>>>> =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.user.readable =False
>>>>>>>        db.payslip.user.writable =False
>>>>>>>        form = SQLFORM(db.payslip)
>>>>>>>        if form.process(onvalidation=check_batch).accepted:
>>>>>>>            response.flash=T('Payslip Added')
>>>>>>>        return dict(form=form)
>>>>>>> im getting this error
>>>>>>> ValueError: invalid literal for long() with base 10: 'with a contract 
>>>>>>> name'

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