Would anyone haver time to explain briefly how to utilise this CSS code.

/* Global Event Styles

.fc-agenda .fc-event-time,
.fc-event a {
   border-style: solid; 
   border-color: #36c;     /* default BORDER color (probably the same as 
background-color) */
   background-color: #36c; /* default BACKGROUND color */
   color: #fff;            /* default TEXT color */
   /* Use the 'className' CalEvent property and the following
    * example CSS to change event color on a per-event basis:
    * .myclass,
    * .fc-agenda .myclass .fc-event-time,
    * .myclass a {
    *     background-color: black;
    *     border-color: black;
    *     color: red;
    *     }

I know some python & html but know little about CSS so I need to take a 
course or two...

In the mean time I would appreciate any help with this...

The calendar view has this code

    editable: false,
    events: [
    {{for row in rows:}}
        {  .myclass, .fc-agenda .myclass .fc-event-time, .myclass a { 
background-color: black; border-color: black; color: red;  }
            title: '{{=row.task.task_status}} {{=row.task.task_type}}  
{{=row.person.fullname.replace("'","\\'")}} ',
            allDay: false,
            start: new Date('{{=row.task.start_time.strftime('%B %d, %Y 
            url: '{{=URL('view_task',args=row.task.id)}}'

This works to display the calendar events but they all have the same 
background colour of blue

How do I implement the CSS so each event background colour changes 
depending on {{=row.task.task_type}}

Many thanks,

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