On Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 6:10:27 PM UTC-8, Nabil Ontour wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't access my web2py page anymore, as it is showing the following 
> error:
> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> month must be in 1..12
> Variables
> datetime.date <type 'datetime.date'>
> val '2016-14-12'
> global datetime <module 'datetime' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
> datetime.x86_64-linux-gnu.so'>
> builtinint <type 'int'>
> val.split <built-in method split of str object>
> builtinmap <built-in function map>
> I am using SQLite.
> I can't access the database from the admin frontend either, as a query to 
> the database returns the same error.
> I am not sure how that error arose, it might be that when you pick the 
> calendar date from the pop up calendar, there is the possibility for a user 
> to adjust the date "by hand" and change a 12 to a 14 for example, isn't 
> that a bug then as it should be checked before entering that the date is 
> valid?
> How can I fix this, right now, the whole page is down because of that.
> Thank you.

use the console command sqlite3  to open the database, and to delete or 
correct the entry?

cd [mypath]/web2py/applications/myapp
sqlite3 databases/storage.sqlite
select * from mytable where mydate='2016-14-12' ;
delete from mytable where mydate='2016-14-12' ;

This error suggests that there is a disagreement between your validators 
during data entry and the format specified for the table.  ("2016-14-12" is 
*possibly* a valid representation of December 14, 2016 in *some* 
localization, but I don't recognize it.)

Can you show us your table definition and how the date is entered?  You 
mentioned a date picker; are you using it as a widget in a form?


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