> def product_calc():
>     form = SQLFORM.factory(
>     Field('supplier',label='Supplier',requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.supplier.id
> ,'%(name)s')),
> Field('costprice',label='Cost/Price',requires=[IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE(0,100),IS_NOT_EMPTY()]),
>     Field('uom',label='SQF or 
> PC',default='PC',requires=(IS_IN_SET(UOM_SET))))
>     suplidor = db().select(db.supplier.id,db.supplier.discount)
>     thisrec = db.supplier(request.args)
>     if form.process().accepted:
>         response.flash = 'form accepted'
>         session.supplier = form.vars.supplier        
>         session.costprice = form.vars.costprice
>         session.descuento = db.supplier.discount

db.supplier.discount is a DAL Field object, not a value of that field from 
an individual record. Presumably you want to set session.descuento to 
something like thisrec.discount or db.supplier(form.vars.supplier).discount.

As an aside, it helps if you explain the specific problem you are having 
(i.e., what do you expect, and what do you observer instead -- in 
particular, report any errors and tracebacks).


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