On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 7:38 PM, JohnMc <maruadventu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yarko,
> Let me step through your queries then I will go twiddle with your
> suggestion.
> a) The file pathing ss best I know is 'right out of the box'. Web2Py
> root is loaded at /home/rootuser/Helix. The assets.py controller is
> at ../applications/Helix/controllers.

Fine; then what is this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/home/rootuser/*New*/gluon/

> restricted.py", line 107, in
> restricted
>  File "/home/rootuser/*Helix*/applications/Helix/controllers/
> assets.py", line 311, in <module>

> b) Yes, following SOP for the connection string. By the way it is
> sqlite DB.
> c) The table definition is the following:
> assets.define_table('bonds',
>                assets.Field('symbl','string'),
>                assets.Field('basis','boolean'),
>                assets.Field('basisprice','double'),
>                assets.Field('basisqty','double'),
>                assets.Field('action','string'),
>                assets.Field('qrydate','datetime',default=stamp),
>                assets.Field('price','double'),
>                assets.Field('coupon','double'),
>                assets.Field('maturitydate','string'),
>                assets.Field('ytm','double'),
>                assets.Field('curyld','double'),
>                assets.Field('fitchrat','string'),
>                assets.Field('curpayfreq','string'),
>                assets.Field('btype','string'),
>                assets.Field('callable','string'),
>                assets.Field('fstcpndt','string'),
>                assets.Field('company','string')
>                )
> assets.bonds.symbl.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Must not be
> empty')
> assets.bonds.price.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Must not be
> empty')
> assets.bonds.action.requires = IS_IN_SET
> (['buy','sell','hold','trade','gift'])
> assets.bonds.btype.requires = IS_IN_SET
> (['Municipal','Corporate','Treasury','Treasury Zero Coupon'])
> assets.bonds.curpayfreq.requires = IS_IN_SET
> (['Monthly','Quarterly','Semi-Annual','Annual','NA'])
> assets.bonds.callable.requires = IS_IN_SET(['No','Yes'])
> Though there are several fields that will hold a date string, it is
> only a string. The data is coming off the web page as a string and as
> I will not manipulate most of these fields as a date, saw no use to
> convert them. The only real date field is qrydate.
> Permit me to go run some tests in ipython see if I can find anything.

Yes - using the web2py shell (particularly when you have ipython installed)
can be revealing.... with completions and all that ipython gives you...

Let us know how its going...

> Thanks for the assist.
> JohnMc

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