
Right on all counts.

I don't know if PyLint would have caught this one. What kept throwing
me is that the ticket would report error at the end of the
xxxxx.yyyy.insert() so as I am want to do was looking for a error
either on that line or the one immediately above it. The .insert()
only reports the error then offers the last line operated on as the
hint. The error could be anywhere in the fields list it seems.

Side note: Intend to dummy up a model for the configuration data for
Calendar. I'll post it when done.


On Jul 15, 5:25 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ... that's GOOD news!
> It makes me think of a writer's workshop I took in Chicago once;  the leader
> said this:
> "The difference between amateur fiction writers and professional writers can
> be summarized like this:  When an amateur  reads his first draft, he says
> 'dang, this is crap - I'll never be a writer'; but someone like Hemingway
> would say 'dang - this writing of mine is CRAP!  Good!  I'm on my way!'"
> That is to say, knowing how to debug, (revision skills in writing) move
> forward and not get discouraged is _always_ the key!
> ... I haven't used, but wonder if something like pylint would help in
> situations like this?
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 4:35 PM, JohnMc <maruadventu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Well I have to report I found the dang bug!
> > A field name it was. An 'i' was missing from a field name. Sheesh. Too
> > bad somebody  doesn't design a debugger that is a cross between Clippy
> > and Johnny Dep's Pirate character -- 'Yavast ya Idiot, de bug is right
> > here....'
> > Do have another observation but that is for another post upcoming.
> > JohnMc
> > On Jul 14, 8:46 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 7:38 PM, JohnMc <maruadventu...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > > Yarko,
> > > > Let me step through your queries then I will go twiddle with your
> > > > suggestion.
> > > > a) The file pathing ss best I know is 'right out of the box'. Web2Py
> > > > root is loaded at /home/rootuser/Helix. The assets.py controller is
> > > > at ../applications/Helix/controllers.
> > > Fine; then what is this:
> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >  File "/home/rootuser/*New*/gluon/
> > > > restricted.py", line 107, in
> > > > restricted
> > > >  File "/home/rootuser/*Helix*/applications/Helix/controllers/
> > > > assets.py", line 311, in <module>
> > > > b) Yes, following SOP for the connection string. By the way it is
> > > > sqlite DB.
> > > > c) The table definition is the following:
> > > > assets.define_table('bonds',
> > > >                assets.Field('symbl','string'),
> > > >                assets.Field('basis','boolean'),
> > > >                assets.Field('basisprice','double'),
> > > >                assets.Field('basisqty','double'),
> > > >                assets.Field('action','string'),
> > > >                assets.Field('qrydate','datetime',default=stamp),
> > > >                assets.Field('price','double'),
> > > >                assets.Field('coupon','double'),
> > > >                assets.Field('maturitydate','string'),
> > > >                assets.Field('ytm','double'),
> > > >                assets.Field('curyld','double'),
> > > >                assets.Field('fitchrat','string'),
> > > >                assets.Field('curpayfreq','string'),
> > > >                assets.Field('btype','string'),
> > > >                assets.Field('callable','string'),
> > > >                assets.Field('fstcpndt','string'),
> > > >                assets.Field('company','string')
> > > >                )
> > > > assets.bonds.symbl.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Must not be
> > > > empty')
> > > > assets.bonds.price.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Must not be
> > > > empty')
> > > > assets.bonds.action.requires = IS_IN_SET
> > > > (['buy','sell','hold','trade','gift'])
> > > > assets.bonds.btype.requires = IS_IN_SET
> > > > (['Municipal','Corporate','Treasury','Treasury Zero Coupon'])
> > > > assets.bonds.curpayfreq.requires = IS_IN_SET
> > > > (['Monthly','Quarterly','Semi-Annual','Annual','NA'])
> > > > assets.bonds.callable.requires = IS_IN_SET(['No','Yes'])
> > > > Though there are several fields that will hold a date string, it is
> > > > only a string. The data is coming off the web page as a string and as
> > > > I will not manipulate most of these fields as a date, saw no use to
> > > > convert them. The only real date field is qrydate.
> > > > Permit me to go run some tests in ipython see if I can find anything.
> > > Yes - using the web2py shell (particularly when you have ipython
> > installed)
> > > can be revealing.... with completions and all that ipython gives you...
> > > Let us know how its going...
> > > > Thanks for the assist.
> > > > JohnMc
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