On Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 3:48:09 PM UTC-7, Carlos Cesar Caballero 
> Hi Massimo, here is it: https://github.com/cccaballero/pydal-orm. I 
> think including something like this with pydal will be a really good 
> improvement. 
> Greetings. 
As someone who had some SQL training (but not proficiency) before  using 
and who has rarely had an issue with using the DAL (but then, I don't have 
complicated projects, either),
I could use some info on what makes an ORM great.

I know that Massimo has said in the past that it was a deliberate choice to 
do the DAL instead of an ORM
(is the DAL a DAO?),
and I see the contributors to Wikipedia have listed some concerns
along with the advantages
(client code gets to stick with working with objects ++
 high level of abstraction obscures what is happening --
 heavy reliance on ORM cited as major factor in poorly designed DBs --)

The third approach appears to be OODBMS where the store actually is built 
around objects via ODMs
rather than translating tables.  This gets into NoSQL territory, it seems.

So, educate me!


El 12/4/19 a las 4:33 p.m., Massimo Di Pierro escribió: 
> > Can you make it a module on pypi? Or should we include it in pydal? 
> > 

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