On Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 11:04:43 AM UTC-8, Scott Hunter wrote:
> The FPDF module has an HTML Renderer which you might find useful.
> - Scott

I haven't looked into that feature (that I know of), but from my previous 
experience with FPDF I would probably have started with doing the PDF from 
scratch, and then display the PDF on the page.


> On Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 9:25:47 AM UTC-5, John Bannister wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have hit a bit of a stumbling block and would like to know if anyone 
>> else has come across this and how to resolve it.
>> Situation is as follows:-
>> I am generating tickets/coupons for users once they have entered all the 
>> appropriate info which I am doing via normal controller/view using html for 
>> styling. Coupon consists of 2 images plus some text (nothing really fancy 
>> at all).
>> Everything looks okay and as it should in the view with all the correct 
>> information etc.
>> I now what to email the coupon to the user. This is where I am a bit 
>> stumped.
>> I am assuming that I will need to save the rendered view as an 
>> image/file/.pdf if I want the styling, logos, qrcodes etc to be in the 
>> email that I will send as well as for all the formatting to be as per the 
>> view.
>> Is there any easy way or any way at all to do this?
>> In the controller I can use the response.render(view, args) but still 
>> cant see how to create a pdf file from the actual view before sending the 
>> email.
>> Hopefilly I ma missing something simple  
>> Thanks in advance 

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