I don't claim to be an advanced user of web2py however....

On Jul 28, 11:59 am, Randell <josephrandell.benavi...@gmail.com>
> Hi guys,
\>    - What OSes do you use? (which flavor of Linux, which Windows
>    does anybody here use a Mac?) And why?

Just Linux. Kubuntu 9.04. CentOS5,  Oracle EL5 => need to compile

>    - What IDEs? What benefits do you get from using Eclipse or other IDEs?
>    Feel free to enumerate everything.

vim, occassionally kate for syntax highlighting.

Evaluating komodo , eric4 and wingware

>    - What plugins do you use? I think there's also a plugin that allows you
>    to deploy your web2py projects directly from Eclipse.


>    - What tools do you use to deploy your web2py projects?


>    - Where else do you deploy your web2py project aside from GAE? (I'm
>    asking this for those web2py projects you've actually deployed in a live
>    site)

never tried GAE

> I'm asking about all those tools you need from starting a web2py project up
> to deployment to GAE (or somewhere else).  If you're also integrating your
> web2py projects with Facebook, please include that as well.
> Would be awesome if Massimo can answer these questions as well.
> Thanks!
> --http://randell.ph/
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