- What OSes do you use? (which flavor of Linux, which Windows
   does anybody here use a Mac?) And why?

Primary Linux XFCE Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS, Centos. I am a cheap SOB and
hate paying the Microsoft tax.

   - What IDEs? What benefits do you get from using Eclipse or other
   Feel free to enumerate everything.

What? VI is not an IDE? Closest I come to a IDE is using iPython +
nano configured as the primary editor. I am chomping at the bit to see
pudb debugger operational in iPython. For items deployed that need a
quick tweak I use the built-in Web2Py editor.

   - What plugins do you use? I think there's also a plugin that
allows you
   to deploy your web2py projects directly from Eclipse.


   - What tools do you use to deploy your web2py projects?


   - Where else do you deploy your web2py project aside from GAE? (I'm
   asking this for those web2py projects you've actually deployed in a

Have done a test install on AWS. Fairly straight forward. Most of the
rest are internal deployments.

I'm asking about all those tools you need from starting a web2py
project up
to deployment to GAE (or somewhere else).  If you're also integrating
web2py projects with Facebook, please include that as well.

To start, you don't need any tools at all. Web2Py has basic stuff
built in. Fact one can make the case that with Web2Py you can dispense
with a lot of the glue logic helpers many IDE's provide by building
your Web2Py subcomponents in self-contained chunks. The glue then is
just appropriate function/argument/var calls to the appropriate logic.

Go here -- http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/AlterEgo/default/ -- you will
find a lot of your questions answered there.

Good luck on your project and welcome aboard.


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