Thank you for the quick reply!

I think this is starting to click a little more for me.   I have
purchased the book and I have the updated chapters you posted for
6,7,8 that I have been using as a reference.

Unfortunately, my mind struggles with abstractions unless presented
with a concrete example.  It is probably why I am still a mediocre
programmer after all of these years :)

Could you possibly assist me with some more hints along these lines...
you can check out the working end result of all of that djangoese at:

My ultimate goal is to rebuild that app in web2py and describe the
process in detail along with screencasts.  This startthedark was a
project based on a django screencast tutorial series called "Django
from the ground up" that I found very useful when learning Django.

Thanks for all of the help.


On Jul 29, 7:11 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> These are good questions. web2py does not have something like Django
> managers and you have to achieve the same goal differently. This is
> because of different in design philosophy.
> Django has an ORM, web2py has a DAL. In Django a model maps a table
> into an object so you can override the methods of that object.
> web2py prefers to be a lower lever than that. the web2py DAL
> expressions map 1-to-1 into SQL queries. For example we do not have a
> save() methods. We do have an insert() method. You cannot override it
> because it does not belong to the table (model) but it belong to the
> database. (technically you could override it but you would be doing
> for all tables).
> What in Django you achieve by modifying the model, in web2py you
> achieve my modifying the forms. Forms can be associated to two
> functions: onvalidation, onaccept. The former is executed after
> validation before any database IO, the latter is executed after
> database IO.
> You can define these functions in the model (they are just functions,
> not class methods) but you still need to be specific about which form
> they apply to (onvalidation=...).
> Hope this helps.
> Massimo
> On Jul 29, 3:18 pm, __future__ <> wrote:
> > Looking at my post, I can see where not knowing Django would be an
> > impediment to understanding... :)
> > Let me try again (and please bare with me because I am *not* an expert
> > on Django).
> > Django has these things called Managers:
> >
> > from the Django docs:
> > class Manager
> > A Manager is the interface through which database query operations are
> > provided to Django models. At least one Manager exists for every model
> > in a Django application.
> > You can create your own Managers and use them with your models.  You
> > can create custom QuerySets (filters basically) and use them with your
> > Managers.
> > In the example I gave, he creates a function today():
> > from datetime import datetime, timedelta
> > def today():
> >     now =
> >     start = datetime.min.replace(year=now.year, month=now.month,
> >
> >     end = (start + timedelta(days=1)) - timedelta.resolution
> >     return (start, end)
> > Then a custom QuerySet (EventQuerySet) that extends the base QuerySet
> > with a today method which uses the function he defined above.
> > self.filter(creation_date__range=today()) # __range is part of the
> > django filtering syntax
> > Then he creates a custom Manager (EventManager) and assigns it to
> > 'objects' in his model:
> > class Event(models.Model)
> > #....
> > objects = EventManager()
> > So now when he calls Event.objects he is really calling an instance of
> > the EventManager()
> > He does one more thing though.. All models have a default save method
> > which is called explicitly to commit changes.  He overrides the
> > inherited default save method with this one:
> >     def save(self, **kwargs):
> >         Event.objects.filter(latest=True,
> >             creator=self.creator).today().update(latest=False)
> >         super(Event, self).save(**kwargs)
> > So now whenever an Event object is saved, this code will execute
> > regardless of where it happens because save is a model method.
> > I think I explained that correctly (possibly not well :)
> > What would be the best (or most DRY) way to do something like this in
> > web2py?
> > Thanks again to all for indulging my questions...
> > On Jul 29, 1:51 pm, Fran <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 29, 6:51 pm, __future__ <> wrote:
> > > > So can I create a custom filter like the EventQuerySet in the example
> > > > and then apply it in the controller?  I assume I will have to use this
> > > > anywhere an event might get an update?  Can I use it with crud?
> > > I don't quite follow the example (I'm not familiar with Django) but
> > > what I think you're looking for is:
> > > crud.settings.create_onvalidation = lambda form: mycustomfilter(form)
> > > F
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