Nice, I know I think who this is.. However, do you all going to fix
this and when do you think the new version will be available?


On 2 aug, 20:21, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:
> Thank you Armin, I am passing this to the list and will address them  
> asap.
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: Armin Ronacher <>
> > Date: August 2, 2009 1:10:29 PM CDT
> > To: "DiPierro, Massimo" <>
> > Subject: My thoughts on web2py
> > Hi Massimo,
> > First a word of warning.  I send you this mail in private because I  
> > want
> > to share my thoughts on the web2py code and because I hope I can help
> > with that somehow.  You're free to publish this mail if you want.
> > As you might remember I came in contract with web2py a long ago when  
> > you
> > were evaluating pygments as a syntax highlighter for the web2py
> > documentation or something and you decided to implement your own  
> > because
> > you were unable to "ship" pygments as part of web2py.  As far as I
> > remember py2app or py2exe were not able to pick up the on-demand  
> > imports
> > in the lexer module.
> > I have been watching the development ever since because (And please
> > don't think bad of me because of that) it appeared to me that web2py  
> > was
> > a joke.  I remember reading some very early revisions of your PDF
> > documentation where I remember a code that looks something like that:
> >    db.define_table('something', db.Field('meh', 'date',
> >          
> > That line freaked me out.  This line alone showed me that web2py is
> > doing something very, very weird.  From this line I could see that it
> > means one of the following two things:
> > - either the code has a bug for long running applications (in this  
> > case
> >  when the application code runs longer than a day in which case the
> >  default would have to change dynamically)
> > - or the global scope has different semantics and is reevaluated each
> >  request.
> > Turns out the latter is what happens in web2py.  There still is a race
> > condition but only a small one.  The bigger problem with this  
> > however is
> > that this means the (not so) static definitions are reevaluated each
> > request.
> > Especially for the database table definitions (which cause many  
> > function
> > calls) this means an enormous per-request penality if you have many of
> > them.  I even remember reading a case like this in the web2py  
> > newsgroup
> > about someone who had twenty table definitions or something and the
> > majority of the request time was spent setting up the tables.
> > However that also means another thing.  Standard Python  
> > optimizations no
> > longer apply.  In Python usually modules are cached in an interpreter
> > bound dictionary for reusing.  This of course does not apply for  
> > web2py.
> > However the second problem here is that only the local scope gets
> > certain optimizations in cpython such as fast-local lookup.  Instead  
> > of
> > storing the variables in a dictionary they are instead stored in an an
> > object where items are looked up by index (fast locals) rather than  
> > by a
> > string.
> > Now of course one can argue that this is the way it's intended.  
> > That's
> > nice but for that, the documentation is lacking.  There is no
> > explanation of what implications this has on the code.  And in
> > comparison with "enterprise ready" that gives me a strange feeling  
> > about
> > the project.
> > I'm not even exactly sure what kills web2py for me in the end, but I'm
> > pretty sure that part of the reason is the way the project is  
> > advertised.
> > web2py does not have worse code than many popular libraries out there.
> > BeautifulSoup comes to mind.  That library does some really ugly  
> > things
> > there including monkeypatching of the standard library.  It does
> > different things depending on the version of Python it's running on  
> > and
> > in the code are some really ugly idioms like a unicode subclass that  
> > has
> > a reference to the parsed tree that results in memory leaks very  
> > easily
> > because it's nearly impossible to get rid of the reference (actually
> > just by exploiting some weird Python internals that are mostly
> > undocumented).  But the author of BeautifulSoup does not advertise  
> > it as
> > a backwards-compatible, enterprise ready HTML parser.
> > The web2py code on the other hand has some really problematic idioms  
> > as
> > well.  The execution of models, views and whatnot in a made-up  
> > namespace
> > comes to mind.  Due to the decision of being backwards compatible it
> > will be nearly impossible to "fix" those things.  However there are so
> > many implications nobody yet knows about which is terribel for large
> > projects.
> > For example the database table redfinition problem cited above.  Of
> > course that particular problem can be worked around with making the
> > definition code internally lazy or something but there can be more
> > nobody yet knows about.
> > Especially side-effects of code execution can do some terrible damage.
> > Decorators that would register code would instantly leak for example.
> > And some libraries provide auto-registration that you would not
> > instantly know about.
> > Also libraries like pickle do not support weird situations like this.
> > So I guess in the end I'm not (only) complaining about the web2py code
> > or decisions there, but mainly how web2py is advertised as enterprise
> > ready when nobody knows how these idioms scale or behave.
> > Another part is that web2py (and this is something web2py has in  
> > common
> > with so many other web frameworks) is the craze to reimplement
> > everything.  I know you don't want to pull depedencies in but from  
> > what
> > I can see you're providing one-click installers for the framework  
> > which
> > could ship external dependencies.  Both py2exe and py2app provide
> > support for external dependencies and I can't see what "not  
> > depending on
> > webob/werkzeug" gives you there.
> > The reason why I'm addressing this is that there are so many
> > limitations, problems and weird aspects in WSGI and HTTP that are hard
> > to tackle and many people get wrong.  I'm not saying you're getting it
> > wrong, I haven't even studied the code in question, but I'm pretty  
> > sure
> > it would make sense to collaborate on that.
> > About the code quality itself, not the (IMO) broken concepts I picked
> > some of the snippets I found quickly searching with the help of ack:
> > - Missing `close()` calls with files (ignored matches from  
> > compileapp):
> >  gluon/    f.write(open(tarname, 'rb').read())
> >  gluon/        data = open(filename, 'rb').read()
> >  gluon/    data = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
> >  gluon/    lang_text = open(filename, 'r').read()...
> >  gluon/        data = open(file, 'r').read()
> >  gluon/ = open(os.path.join(web2py_path, ...
> >  gluon/        exec open('', 'r').read() ...
> >  gluon/            text = open(os.path.join(path, ...
> >  gluon/            parent = open(t, 'rb').read()
> >  gluon/            child = open(t, 'rb').read()
> >  gluon/        return urllib.urlopen(url).read()
> >  gluon/ = open('VERSION', ...
> > - Same in for checking for file existence
> >  (open(static_file))
> > - Template engine seems to be missing proper escapes.  Having ''' in  
> > the
> >  template should be enough to break it.
> > - Whitespace between "else" and colon in the template engine is  
> > unlikely
> >  to work with the current parsing rules as far as I can see.
> > - xmlrpc system sends text/xml content type which is with a missing
> >  charset property set to us-ascii.  No charset is set so it has to be
> >  specified explicitly (proper header would be application/xml;
> >  charset=utf-8)
> > - Fileutils has a listdir method that does very inefficient deleting
> >  from the list.  Current code.
> >  50         for dir in dirs[:]:
> >  51             if dir.startswith('.'):
> >  52                 dirs.remove(dir)
> >  That creates a shallow copy, for each item it performs an O(n) lookup
> >  for the item and the remove is a O(n) operation as well.  Even
> >  unecessary because you have the position if you enumerate over the
> >  list.
> >  However you can do that with a list comprehension:
> >  50         dirs[:] = [x for x in dirs if not x.startswith('.')]
> > - Having classes in local scope ( for the tarfile) makes  
> > it
> >  incredible hard to reuse code.  Not a good idea, move that into the
> >  global scope instead.  Will also help performance.
> > - There is no bug in shutil.copyfileobj.  That function works perfetly
> >  and does what the documentation says it should do.  Maybe you were
> >  copying from the wsgi input stream.  That of course won't work that
> >  easy because there is no end-of-file marker in the input stream.  See
> >  werkzeug's LimitedStream for ways how to fix that problem.  A similar
> >  class also exists in WebOb but I don't remember the name.
> > - You should not inherit from BaseException unless you are dealing  
> > with
> >  special exceptions that should not be catched by an "except  
> > Exception"
> > - there are realtive imports all over the place.  This is a deprecated
> >  unfeature, switch to "from gluon.html import blah" instead of the
> >  current "from html import blah".
> > - the email code in tools is vulnerable to header injections if the
> >  input is unfiltered.  If this is intentional it should be documented
> >  in the code.
> > - There is no proper undecoding of the path info in but spaces
> >  are transformed into underscores.  However a plus is converted into a
> >  space as well which is against the RFC.  Plus is only an alias for  
> > %20
> >  in the querystring of a URL.
> > - request.vars is either a dict of lists or a dict of plain strings.
> >  This means the user has to perform instance checks each access, not
> >  very clever.  Other systems fix that by providing multi-value dicts.
> > - time.strftime should not be used for header-date formatting because
> >  it's affected by locales.  That means if a user is using locales it
> >  will break all headers sent that deal with dates.
> > This list was created in ~15 minutes from quickly checking some files.
> > If one does a check on the code more things will come up.  Some things
> > are also underspecified or unclear in the code.  For example how the
> > code is supposed to deal with unicode (it does that in very different
> > ways) and how headers are quoted/unquoted, how URLs are decoded etc.
> > Also the code architecture is suboptimal in places.  Hardcoded support
> > for Google appengine in places where you wouldn't expect it (like
> > validators etc.)
> > For an "enterprise" framework this is a bit too much smelly code  
> > that is
> > found in no time.
> > What would I fix?  Stop advertising the framework as enterprise ready
> > until it matured more.  And do less advertising in general.  And if  
> > you
> > can, fix some of the things in the code.  Those that are caused by
> > design choices won't be fixed anyway.
> > Regards,
> > Armin
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