I've been looking into building a data warehouse, and I'm not sure it
will make my life easier!

I would like to just come up with my "dream schema" and run update
scripts on a daily or event-driven basis, but there seem to be a
million concepts related to data warehousing: data marts, dimensions,
star schemas, snowflakes, EAV tables, and so on.

It seems more straight forward if I could just connect directly to the
operational systems.  I wonder if all that theory is really necessary
for a basic data warehouse.  Maybe I should just call it a
"centralized/ redundant DB."

On Sep 21, 6:18 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> I do not know. I can ask but I suspect the former.
> On Sep 21, 6:54 pm, snfctech <tschm...@sacfoodcoop.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for your reply, Massimo!
> > Out of curiosity, are they using migration scripts to create/ update
> > thewarehouseDB, or a middle-ware product like Talend or Pervasive?
> > On Sep 21, 3:35 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > At the university where I work they run many different systems
> > > including peoplesoft with oracle. Neverthess they find it convenient
> > > to have a datawarehouseand I think it is a good idea. This allows
> > > other users to get access the data on a need to know bases and allows
> > > them to manage permissions.  Moreover if any of those systems gets
> > > upgraded you only may need to change the query to move data to the
> > >warehouseand not the third party programs that depend on those data.
> > > Even if you can connect to multiple databases your life will be easier
> > > with a datawarehouse.
> > > On Sep 21, 4:38 pm, snfctech <tschm...@sacfoodcoop.com> wrote:
> > > > The big reason I started investigating web2py was multi-db
> > > > connectivity.
> > > > I've got a large dashboard application I'm about to start work on that
> > > > has data on MSAccess, MySQL, Pervasive, FileMaker and flat file DB
> > > > engines.  This all needs to come under one roof and interaction needs
> > > > to be seemless to the user.  For example, I'll need to have an order
> > > > creation form with relations to separate product, member and employee
> > > > databases.
> > > > Before finding web2py, I was told the best way to do this would be to
> > > > create a batch updated datawarehouse.  I initially thought that was
> > > > an unnecessary step - why not just connect directly to all your data
> > > > sources, if you have that option?
> > > > But then I found one possible advantage of the datawarehouse-
> > > > enabling "middle tier" development staff with tools like OOBase (which
> > > > cannot make multiple connections).  Table creation and write
> > > > permissions would be managed for those users, of course.
> > > > So, what do you think?  Any other reasons for creating a batch updated
> > > > datawarehousewith a unified schema?  Or are direct connections to
> > > > multiple DBs the way to go?
> > > > Thanks.
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