On Nov 5, 2009, at 8:27 PM, mdipierro wrote:

> you can do
> def error(text):
>   return TABLE(TR(TD(text)),_class='error')
> response.flash=error("what the ...!")

Right, that's the kind of thing I was thinking of, albeit with a more  
elaborate table. Then you can use a CSS selector like:

div.flash table.error { ... }


> On Nov 5, 9:28 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 5, 2009, at 1:39 PM, mdipierro wrote:
>>> well, you can do
>>> response.flash=DIV("message",_class="error")
>>> and handle both class "flash" and class "error" via css.
>> That works fine if your flash html is a simple div (as it is in the
>> standard layout), but it doesn't work so well if you're trying to do
>> more with it.
>> Gmail's flash display, for example, puts its flash message in a
>> rounded-corner box (generated via a table). You can do that too using
>> the technique you show, but you really need a wrapper function once
>> the html gets more complex than a simple div (or the like).
>> BTW, with this method, does the <div> end up getting escaped?
>>> On Nov 5, 3:13 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>>> On Nov 5, 2009, at 12:41 PM, Russell wrote:
>>>>> It does seem that a nice solution would be to position or shrink  
>>>>> the
>>>>> flash message on the default layout so that it is unlikely to  
>>>>> cover
>>>>> text.  But it maybe we are trying to do too much with the flash
>>>>> message?  There are some messages that only deserve a quick
>>>>> 'flash' -
>>>>> like 'logged in'.  But there are some messages that are more
>>>>> important
>>>>> that need to stick around.  Perhaps we need two styles in the
>>>>> layout...response.flash and response.notice?
>>>> I think that'd be good, or perhaps more of an API. One way to do it
>>>> would be to attach different styles to the flash, perhaps.
>>>> For my own applications, I'd like to distinguish errors from
>>>> information notices with color. Also, if an error requires that the
>>>> user do something to correct it (that is, the landing page isn't
>>>> really what the user was after), I'd be inclined to leave it up (no
>>>> fade-out), while purely informational or greeting messages that  
>>>> don't
>>>> require user action would fade.
> >

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