On Dec 14, 5:51 am, DenesL <denes1...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> About uploads folder, is the problem that hg does not allow empty
> folders?
> None of the apps in the hg repository (including welcome) have an
> uploads folder.
... the problem is that web2py assumed the existence of these folders,
and did not handle it if they didn't because it depended on them being

bzr & svn version empty folders;
cvs, hg, git (and many, many others) do not - historically,
directories are not typically "first class" objects in version control

Right now, Massimo's solution is to brute force this (just creates all
these directories in gluon/main.py); a more general "open" procedure
which collects all special handling of file opening / file creation
would be better, robust.   As it is web2py is back-filling its old

- Yarko


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