I agree the docs fragmentation is a serious problem. Perhaps Drupal
could be used until a robust web2py based CMS is available.
It would be great if content from the official manual could also be
included in the public docs.


On Jan 16, 8:47 pm, Anand Vaidya <anandvaidya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2:12 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Massimo has had some comparative tutorials which show this a little.
> > (Some people don't "buy" that, and there are reasons for that - can
> > you name them?!  Acknowledge them?  Refute them?  Accept them, and
> > define improvement projects as a result?).
> > Documentation is one often mentioned topic:  should this come as an
> > afterthougth?  a first step?  a combintation of the two?
> Hi Yarko,
> I would like to pick up on the topic of documentation and share my
> thoughts.
> I think the Official Manual is awesome. It is well written and
> comprehensive enough to go from zero to expert in web2py.
> I think, a project such as web2py needs much more "doc" than the
> manual. The current efforts by this community is fragmented very
> badly. eg:
> - There is a wiki
> - Slices
> - AlterEgo
> - Some blogs
> - No screenshots
> - User stories etc
> - Collection of media such as images, video (links), slides etc. in
> one place.
> - Collection of cool themes (think drupal themegarden)
> I think, we are in part hobbled by the lack of a great easy to use
> Content Management System. While the attempt to write our own wiki-
> with-web2py is nice, we should not be using it to run our prime user-
> generated docs site. I think the current wiki (code and features)
> definitely needs improvements and I know it will happen ... but do we
> have time? The lead developers time may be spent better focusing on
> the core itself rather than build a wiki (I agree that the wiki
> developer did the work in his own time, to solve his own problem and I
> am ineligible to criticize that, since I have contributed anything)
> The problem I have faced with the current wiki site is that, it is
> very fragile. Last week, while updating some pages, I had one extra
> space and the view was broken with completely meaningless error
> messages. It is a waste of time to trouble shoot these kind of issues.
> I believe web2py is great for writing real world apps but not mature
> enough to run a full CMS /wiki. I consider Mediawiki, Moin etc as the
> ones which would qualify as well developed.
> My proposal is to merge all the existing (AlterEgo, Slices, w2py-wiki,
> blogs) and have one central site which can host all these - done with
> a great CMS software - It need not be built on w2py nor python. We can
> adopt Drupal or Joomla .
> I am willing to lead a volunteer team and build a clean Drupal or
> MoinMoin based user-generated-docs site if there is consensus around
> this.
> While we are on this topic, I am wondering why we are not using the
> launchpad site? We can use LP for translations, answers, bug
> reporting, blueprints  etc
> Regards,
> Anand
> PS:
> I lost my wiki password (I believe reset on server side), and when I
> hit 'forgot password' link I received the new password only after a
> day, while my expectation was about 30mins. Moreover the password
> reset reply came not from *.web2py.com but from some *.br site and I
> was not sure whether to trust the email (justen.eng.br - I realized it
> was from Alvaro Justen later and accepted the new password)
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