For lower memory footprint on a tight VPS I do not believe any
configuration of Apache with web2py (using mod_wgsi or otherwise) will
beat a good lighttpd configuration with a FastCGI UNIX socket
interface to web2py.

I also believe trying to argue otherwise without credible benchmarks
is liable to get anyone regarded as not worth taking seriously, by
those with know what they are talking about.

If Graham was a professional he would present benchmarks, provide or
facilitate a balanced discussion, not jump into a thread with ignorant
and insulting remarks and not expect to be a lauded by those he
regards as 'inferiors' or have others email me privately lauding him.

Graham can continue bore his 'inferior underlings' to tears with his
theories. Results is all that counts in the end, not theory.

John Heenan

On Feb 12, 3:14 pm, Graham Dumpleton <>
> On Feb 12, 2:00 pm, John Heenan <> wrote:
> > From the confused manner Graham is conducting himself, he appears to
> > think web2py runs as a process of a web server with threads that
> > belong to the web server. This is not correct. web2py always runs as
> > an independent process, unless web2py uses its internal web server.
> No it doesn't and this is where you are confused. The web2py
> application can be hosted on mod_python and mod_wsgi when using
> Apache. The mod_python module and mod_wsgi when used in embedded mode
> both run the web2py application embedded within the existing Apache
> server child processes. Even if you use mod_wsgi in daemon mode
> whereby web2py is run in a separate process, that model is still
> somewhat different to FASTCGI because the process is still only a fork
> from the Apache server and not a separate invocation of a program like
> with FASTCGI. Yes mod_wsgi in daemon mode may still talk over a socket
> connection to talk with the process like in FASTCGI, but mod_wsgi
> controls both ends of that socket connection and so the protocol over
> the connection is completely irrelevant. In FASTCGI the socket
> protocol is the interface point. In mod_wsgi the socket isn't the
> interface point, it is still the Python WSGI API interface. In
> mod_wsgi you don't need a separate bridge to WSGI like with FASTCGI
> and you don't need a separate infrastructure to startup the
> application process as that is all handled by Apache and/or mod_wsgi
> depending on the mode it is used.
> > An external web server needs a pipe to the web2y process.
> No it doesn't.
> > That pipe
> > needs to be efficient.
> No argument that if a pipe is used that it would need to be efficient,
> but with mod_python or mod_wsgi in embedded mode it is irrelevant
> because there is no pipe. In both cases the adaptation to Python WSGI
> layer sits directly on top of the internal C API of Apache itself
> given that the Apache code that accepts the request is in the same
> process as the web2py application itself. In other words, no pipe,
> just C API translation.
> > They don't come any more efficiently than using
> > a UNIX socket.
> It does when there is no socket as is the case with mod_python and
> mod_wsgi in embedded mode. In mod_wsgi in daemon mode there is still a
> UNIX socket but given that the internal protocol it uses is simpler
> than that for FASTCGI and that on the application side the final
> bridge to WSGI is also implemented in C code, unlike flup for FASTCGI
> it has less overhead than other FASTCGI/WSGI hosting mechanisms in
> that part of the pipeline.
> > Also using an event model for the other end of the pipe
> > to service requests is far more efficient than using threads to
> > service requests, something Apace does not provide.
> Except that as I pointed out in prior post, that is irrelevant
> considering that WSGI is synchronous and must use threads for
> concurrency. So the limitations in the WSGI application as far as
> thread performance and the Python GIL predominate over any benefits
> that may come from a front end being event driven.
> Graham
> > John Heenan
> > On Feb 12, 12:44 pm, John Heenan <> wrote:
> > > Where is the perspective?
> > > 1) Even with an 'ideal configuration that does not use MPM pre-
> > > forking, Apache still uses threads to service each request (for static
> > > files). This is still more inefficient than lightttpd and nginx that
> > > use an event model.
> > > 2) No one is going to take anyone seriously when they imply Apache
> > > bloatware can be configured to take a lower memory footprint than
> > > Lighttpd for the same job.
> > > 3) How Python and web2py use threads to process information
> > > transferred through a socket has nothing to do with the web server.
> > > There is just a single socket or 'pipe'. Essentially the web server
> > > acts as a pretty dumb pipe. The web server should not be a big issue.
> > > It needs to just do its job quickly and efficiently and then get out
> > > of the way.
> > > 4) FastCGI is not WGSI. In web2py the internal FastCGI server upgrades
> > > the FastCGI socket information to WGSI to use existing WGSI
> > > infrastructure but this is irrelevant. The code is short and simple.
> > > This is all irrelevant to the web server.
> > > 5) Using the internal web server with web2py is not recommended. The
> > > question remains what is the best choice for an external web server.
> > > The answer is certainly not bloatware like Apache.
> > > John Heenan
> > > On Feb 12, 12:16 pm, Graham Dumpleton <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Feb 12, 1:04 pm, John Heenan <> wrote:
> > > > > Hello Graham, whoever you are.
> > > > > You sound highly confused, clueless aboout how to present objective
> > > > > data and a fairly typical bombastic nerd of the type that clogs up and
> > > > > plagues forums.
> > > > > Get a life
> > > > I think you will find that I have a lot more credibility over this
> > > > issue than you might because of the work I have done in the past which
> > > > relates specifically to Python and WSGI hosting mechanisms, including
> > > > the many posts in various forums explaining where people get it wrong
> > > > in setting up Apache.
> > > > In future you might want to do your home work and perhaps look into
> > > > why I might say what I have before you dismiss it off hand.
> > > > Graham
> > > > > John Heenan
> > > > > On Feb 12, 11:32 am, Graham Dumpleton <>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > On Feb 12, 9:59 am, John Heenan <> wrote:
> > > > > > > How about web2py in a VPS using less than 40MB RAM?
> > > > > > > You can reduce web2py memory usage by using a newer generation web
> > > > > > > server with web2py instead of the internal web server with web2py.
> > > > > > Not really.
> > > > > > > Apache gets trashed in tests by newer generation web servers such 
> > > > > > > as
> > > > > > > lightttpd and nginx.
> > > > > > Only for static file serving.
> > > > > > > Apache also uses far more memory.
> > > > > > For hosting a dynamic Python web application it doesn't have to. The
> > > > > > problem is that the majority of people have no clue about how to
> > > > > > configure Apache properly and will leave it as the default settings.
> > > > > > Worse, they load up PHP as well which forces use of prefork MPM 
> > > > > > which
> > > > > > compounds the problems.
> > > > > > > The reason is simple. Apache services each request with a thread.
> > > > > > > Nginx amd lightttpd service each request with an event model.
> > > > > > A WSGI application like web2py however isn't event based and 
> > > > > > requires
> > > > > > the threaded model. You are therefore still required to run web2py 
> > > > > > in
> > > > > > a threaded system, or at least a system which uses a thread pool on
> > > > > > top of an underlying thread system. Your arguments are thus moot, as
> > > > > > as soon as you have to do that, you end up with the same memory 
> > > > > > usage
> > > > > > profile issues as with Apache's threaded model.
> > > > > > > I only use lightttpd for static pages and to remap URLs.
> > > > > > > This is my memory usage with lighthttpd and web2py from command 
> > > > > > > 'ps
> > > > > > > aux'.
> > > > > > > resident memory units are in KB
> > > > > > > virtual memory units are 1024 byte units
> > > > > > > lighttpd: resident memory 3660, virtual memory 59568
> > > > > > > python for web2py: resident memory 32816, virtual memory 225824
> > > > > > So, 32MB for web2py.
> > > > > > Now configure Apache with a comparable configuration, presumed 
> > > > > > single
> > > > > > process which is multithreaded and guess what, it will be pretty 
> > > > > > close
> > > > > > to 32MB still.
> > > > > > If you are stupid enough to leave Apache with prefork MPM because of
> > > > > > PHP and use embedded mode with mod_python or mod_wsgi, then of 
> > > > > > course
> > > > > > you will get up to 100 processes each of 32MB, because that is what
> > > > > > the PHP biased configuration will give.
> > > > > > Even in that situation you could used mod_wsgi daemon mode and shift
> > > > > > web2py to its own process, which means again that all it takes is
> > > > > > 32MB. The memory of Apache server child process handling static and
> > > > > > proxying will still be an issue if using prefork, but if you ditch 
> > > > > > PHP
> > > > > > and change to worker MPM you can get away with a single or maybe two
> > > > > > such processes and drastically cut back memory usage.
> > > > > > For some background on these issues read:
> > > > > >  
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Anyway, if you aren't up to configuring Apache properly, by all 
> > > > > > means
> > > > > > use lighttpd or nginx.
> > > > > > Graham
> > > > > > > This is the memory usage of a python console WITHOUT any imports:
> > > > > > > resident memory 3580, virtual memory 24316
> > > > > > > John Heenan
> > > > > > > On Feb 11, 10:30 pm, raven <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > It seems that everyone is running with Apache and gobs of memory
> > > > > > > > available.

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