Thanks for the details on modifying the lighttpd configuration file.
Actually, I am pretty confident about doing this, having modified it
to connect to fossil.

However, I am confused by

It says:

This file has to be in the PYTHONPATH

What does this mean?  The file has to be moved?  Or the web2py folder
has to be added to the path?  How do I modify the PYTHONPATH - 'echo
$PYTHONPATH' gives me nothing.

On Feb 11, 6:37 pm, John Heenan <> wrote:
> Yes the instructions are confusing.
> Following are sections from my /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf file. I
> have edited sections to remove irrelevant detail.
> The lighttpd remaps help to avoid ugly URLs. I don't use a
> file but the zgus app does include some helpers to avoid ugly URLs
> (this gives me more control than using routes.out of
> John Heenan
> server.modules              = (
>             "mod_access",
>             "mod_alias",
>             "mod_compress",
>             "mod_rewrite",
>             "mod_fastcgi",
>             "mod_cgi",
>             "mod_redirect",
>             "mod_accesslog",
>             "mod_status",
> )
> fastcgi.server = (
>      "/handlerzgus.fcgi" => (
>         "handlerzgus" => ( #name for logs
>           "check-local" => "disable",
>           "socket" => "/tmp/fcgi_handlerzgus.sock",
>         )
>      ),
> )
> $HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)zgus\.com$" {
>   server.document-root="/home/zgus/web2py/web2py"
>   $HTTP["host"] =~ "^.*$" {
>     url.rewrite-once = (
>       "^(/.+?/static/.+)$" => "/applications$1",  # +? for a non
> greedy + (one or more) match
>       "^(/static/.+)$" => "/applications/zgus$1",  # +? for a non
> greedy + (one or more) match
>       "^/$" => "/handlerzgus.fcgi/zgus/default/index", #must use /
> even when none in URL
>       "(^/zgus.*)$" => "/handlerzgus.fcgi$1",       # app
>       "(^/admin.*)$" => "/handlerzgus.fcgi$1",      # app
>       "(^/examples.*)$" => "/handlerzgus.fcgi$1",   # app
>       "(^/welcome.*)$" => "/handlerzgus.fcgi$1",    # app
>       "(^|/.*)$" => "/handlerzgus.fcgi/zgus/default/$1",
>     )
>   }
> }
> On Feb 12, 9:06 am, raven <> wrote:
> > Thanks for the info.
> > I use lighttpd for my static web pages, and for hosting  fossil.  It
> > uses very little memory.
> > I am looking into using it with web2py, but the instructions are a bit
> > confusing.  I will tackle it again.
> > Removing the imports certainly seems to save huge amounts of memory.
> > On Feb 11, 5:59 pm, John Heenan <> wrote:
> > > How about web2py in a VPS using less than 40MB RAM?
> > > You can reduce web2py memory usage by using a newer generation web
> > > server with web2py instead of the internal web server with web2py.
> > > Apache gets trashed in tests by newer generation web servers such as
> > > lightttpd and nginx. Apache also uses far more memory.
> > > The reason is simple. Apache services each request with a thread.
> > > Nginx amd lightttpd service each request with an event model.
> > > I only use lightttpd for static pages and to remap URLs.
> > > This is my memory usage with lighthttpd and web2py from command 'ps
> > > aux'.
> > > resident memory units are in KB
> > > virtual memory units are 1024 byte units
> > > lighttpd: resident memory 3660, virtual memory 59568
> > > python for web2py: resident memory 32816, virtual memory 225824
> > > This is the memory usage of a python console WITHOUT any imports:
> > > resident memory 3580, virtual memory 24316
> > > John Heenan
> > > On Feb 11, 10:30 pm, raven <> wrote:
> > > > It seems that everyone is running with Apache and gobs of memory
> > > > available.

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