Yes, let' move this to web2py_developers.

On Feb 14, 11:26 am, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2010, at 12:04 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > We could create a switch in routes that allows to change the URL
> > validation regex.
> > I would take a patch. I would not change the default though.
> We should revisit the logic (btw, is this something we could do on the dev 
> list instead?)
>             rewrite.filter_in()
>             ...
>             path = regex_space.sub('_', path)
>             match = regex_url.match(path)
>             if not match:
>                 raise HTTP(400,
>             ...
>             request.application ='a') or 'init'
>             request.controller ='c') or 'default'
>             request.function ='f') or 'index'
>             raw_extension ='e')
>             request.extension = raw_extension or 'html'
>             request.args = \
>                 List(('s') and's').split('/')) or [])
>             ...
>             parse_get_post_vars(request, environ)
> where:
> regex_space = re.compile('(\+|\s|%20)+')
> # pattern to find valid paths in url /application/controller/...
> #   this could be:
> #     for static pages:
> #        /<b:application>/static/<x:file>
> #     for dynamic pages:
> #        /<a:application>[/<c:controller>[/<f:function>[.<e:ext>][/<s:sub>]]]
> #   application, controller, function and ext may only contain [a-zA-Z0-9_]
> #   file and sub may also contain '-', '=', '.' and '/'
> regex_url = re.compile(r'''
>      (^                              # static pages
>          /(?P<b> \w+)                # b=app
>          /static                     # /b/static
>          /(?P<x> (\w[\-\=\./]?)* )   # x=file
>      $)
>      |                               # dynamic pages
>      (^(                             # (/a/c/f.e/s)
>          /(?P<a> \w+ )               # /a=app
>          (                           # (/c.f.e/s)
>              /(?P<c> \w+ )           # /a/c=controller
>              (                       # (/f.e/s)
>                  /(?P<f> \w+ )       # /a/c/f=function
>                  (                   # (.e)
>                      \.(?P<e> \w+ )  # /a/c/f.e=extension
>                  )?
>                  (                   # (/s)
>                      /(?P<s>         # /a/c/f.e/s=sub
>                      ( [\...@][\=\./]? )+
>                      )
>                  )?
>              )?
>          )?
>      )?
>      /?$)    # trailing slash
>      ''', re.X)
> So *strings* of spaces (defined as an actual space, +, %20) are first 
> converted to single underscores. And then we apply the URL test. (Note that 
> vars are treated separately; they've already been moved to env.query_string).
> We're interested in match group 's', which is a somewhat peculiar pattern. I 
> see now that it could be written a little more clearly:
>                      ( [...@-][=./]? )+
> I'm really not sure what the intention is here, but this (and the spaces 
> conversion) is were we would need to address alternatives to args parsing. 
> Massimo? What's the intent?
> > On Feb 13, 4:48 pm, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> >> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:16 PM, DenesL wrote:
> >>> 1) Is that the only reason?
> >>> So there is no other objection to have args with accented chars in
> >>> them for example?.
> >>> Foreign languages would benefit from having args without such
> >>> restrictions.
> >>> By 'access filesystems' are you refering to 'static'?
> >>> We could apply the restrictions only if the URL has c='static' or some
> >>> other mechanism when it needs to access filesystems.
> >>> 2) And what about the first question:
> >>> Shouldn't URL create only URLs that are usable with web2py?
> >> A lot of our systems are perfectly happy with spaces in filenames. It can 
> >> be a PITA from the command line, but not from the GUI or programatically. 
> >> Seems like an unnecessary restriction on web2py's part.
> >>> On 13 feb, 15:37, mdipierro <> wrote:
> >>>> because args can be used to access filesystem and having spaces in
> >>>> there causes trouble.
> >>>> On Feb 13, 12:02 pm, DenesL <> wrote:
> >>>>> Shouldn't URL create only URLs that are usable with web2py?
> >>>>> Example:
> >>>>> u=URL(r=request, args='Capítulo 1')
> >>>>> produces an URL ending with /Cap%A1tulo%201
> >>>>> which generates an "Invalid request" when used.
> >>>>> And why are these characters not allowed in URLs?
> >>>>> Denes.

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