I'm trying to use this with my shiny new SQLFORM. But I'm clearly
missing something. Here's a snippet:

   form = SQLFORM(...blah...)
   submit = form.element(_type='submit')

   if request.vars.button == 'Cancel':
      session.flash = 'profile create was cancelled'
      session.flash = 'profile update was cancelled'
   elif form.accepts(request.vars,session,dbio=False):
      ...update/insert logic...

The cancel works perfectly. But the sql on the form.accepts path craps

S'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File "gluon/restricted.py",
line 173, in restricted\n  File "w:\\web2py_win\\applications\
\canyonezt/controllers/default.py", line 184, in <module>\n  File
"gluon/globals.py", line 96, in <lambda>\n  File "gluon/tools.py",
line 1851, in f\n  File "w:\\web2py_win\\applications\\canyonezt/
controllers/default.py", line 152, in profile\n  File "gluon/sql.py",
line 1877, in insert\n  File "gluon/sql.py", line 1845, in _insert
\nSyntaxError: invalid field names: [\'button\']\n'

It looks like the DAL is trying to store 'button' in my data base,
though it is unclear to me why. What's the secret, here?

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