
1) Use
$SERVER["socket"]  == "" {
instead of
$HTTP["host"] == "" {

2) Did you restart lighttpd with
/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart
and where there any problems when restarting?

3) Is "mod_fastcgi" included with server.modules in lighttpd.conf?

4) Is web2py actually running such as started with
cd /var/www/web2py && sudo -u www-data nohup python fcgihandler.py  &

You can see if the web2py process is alive with
ps ax | grep python
A line with fcgihandler.py should appear once. If appears more than
once then kill all fcgihandler.py python processes with
ps number
where number is the first number on each line of 'ps ax' that includes

Restart web2py with
python fcgihandler.py  &
or similar

5) Check file nohup.out in /var/www/web2py for errors

John Heenan

On Feb 19, 10:36 am, raven <ravenspo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> John,
> Here is what I have placed in the file /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
> $
> fastcgi.server = (
>    "/handler_web2py.fcgi" => (
>       "handler_web2py" => ( #name for logs
>         "check-local" => "disable",
>         "socket" => "/tmp/fcgi.sock",
>       )
>    )
> )
> $HTTP["host"] == "" {
>  server.document-root="/home/james/web2py"
>     url.rewrite-once = (
>       "^(/.+?/static/.+)$" => "/applications$1",
>       "(^|/.*)$" => "/handler_web2py.fcgi$1",
>     )
> }
> Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
> On Feb 18, 6:46 pm, John Heenan <johnmhee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Raven
> > The name fcgihandler.py is just the name of a web2py start up file
> > passed to Python.
> > The name fcgihandler.py should not or need not appear anywhere in the
> > lightttpd.conf file, since there is no need to give lighttpd the
> > responsibility to start up web2py as an independent process.
> > What lighttpd needs to know is where the UNIX socket is that is
> > configured for use by web2py in fcgihandler.py. The name that
> > ligthttpd.conf uses to tell the rest of lighttpd.conf to use the UNIX
> > soscket is an arbitrary name. The suffix .fcgi does not need to appear
> > anywhere in lighttpd.conf, it is just a convention.
> > Maybe I should provide a link to a complete lighttpd.conf file 
> > inhttp://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/57
> > It might be difficult to escape from an attitude that web servers are
> > essentially used as dumb pipes by Python frameworks and as such need
> > to stay 'out of the way' with minimal involvement.
> > John Heenan
> > On Feb 19, 5:10 am, raven <ravenspo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > Well, I gave this a try, and ended up with 404 errors.
> > > fcgihandler.py suggests adding to lighttpd.conf
> > > server.error-handler-404 = '/test.fcgi'
> > > This does not help, nor does
> > > server.error-handler-404 = "/error-handler.fcgi"
> > > ( There no files on my system named *.fcgi, so I do not see how this
> > > could help )
> > > I suspect my problem might be with this line
> > > $HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)example\.com$" {
> > > Since I am running on a VPS I only have an IP address.
> > > I tried
> > > $HTTP["host"] == "" {
> > > and
> > > $HTTP["remoteip"] == "" {
> > > and
> > > #SERVER["socket"] == "" {
> > > and some other variations on this, but nothing helps.

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