
$SERVER["socket"] == "" {

will allow all IP interfaces.

John Heenan

On Feb 19, 11:42 am, John Heenan <johnmhee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Raven,
> 1) Use
> $SERVER["socket"]  == "" {
> instead of
> $HTTP["host"] == "" {
> 2) Did you restart lighttpd with
> /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart
> and where there any problems when restarting?
> 3) Is "mod_fastcgi" included with server.modules in lighttpd.conf?
> 4) Is web2py actually running such as started with
> cd /var/www/web2py && sudo -u www-data nohup python fcgihandler.py  &
> You can see if the web2py process is alive with
> ps ax | grep python
> A line with fcgihandler.py should appear once. If appears more than
> once then kill all fcgihandler.py python processes with
> ps number
> where number is the first number on each line of 'ps ax' that includes
> fcgihandler.py.
> Restart web2py with
> python fcgihandler.py  &
> or similar
> 5) Check file nohup.out in /var/www/web2py for errors
> John Heenan
> On Feb 19, 10:36 am, raven <ravenspo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > John,
> > Here is what I have placed in the file /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
> > $
> > fastcgi.server = (
> >    "/handler_web2py.fcgi" => (
> >       "handler_web2py" => ( #name for logs
> >         "check-local" => "disable",
> >         "socket" => "/tmp/fcgi.sock",
> >       )
> >    )
> > )
> > $HTTP["host"] == "" {
> >  server.document-root="/home/james/web2py"
> >     url.rewrite-once = (
> >       "^(/.+?/static/.+)$" => "/applications$1",
> >       "(^|/.*)$" => "/handler_web2py.fcgi$1",
> >     )
> > }
> > Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
> > On Feb 18, 6:46 pm, John Heenan <johnmhee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Raven
> > > The name fcgihandler.py is just the name of a web2py start up file
> > > passed to Python.
> > > The name fcgihandler.py should not or need not appear anywhere in the
> > > lightttpd.conf file, since there is no need to give lighttpd the
> > > responsibility to start up web2py as an independent process.
> > > What lighttpd needs to know is where the UNIX socket is that is
> > > configured for use by web2py in fcgihandler.py. The name that
> > > ligthttpd.conf uses to tell the rest of lighttpd.conf to use the UNIX
> > > soscket is an arbitrary name. The suffix .fcgi does not need to appear
> > > anywhere in lighttpd.conf, it is just a convention.
> > > Maybe I should provide a link to a complete lighttpd.conf file 
> > > inhttp://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/57
> > > It might be difficult to escape from an attitude that web servers are
> > > essentially used as dumb pipes by Python frameworks and as such need
> > > to stay 'out of the way' with minimal involvement.
> > > John Heenan
> > > On Feb 19, 5:10 am, raven <ravenspo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > > Well, I gave this a try, and ended up with 404 errors.
> > > > fcgihandler.py suggests adding to lighttpd.conf
> > > > server.error-handler-404 = '/test.fcgi'
> > > > This does not help, nor does
> > > > server.error-handler-404 = "/error-handler.fcgi"
> > > > ( There no files on my system named *.fcgi, so I do not see how this
> > > > could help )
> > > > I suspect my problem might be with this line
> > > > $HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)example\.com$" {
> > > > Since I am running on a VPS I only have an IP address.
> > > > I tried
> > > > $HTTP["host"] == "" {
> > > > and
> > > > $HTTP["remoteip"] == "" {
> > > > and
> > > > #SERVER["socket"] == "" {
> > > > and some other variations on this, but nothing helps.

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