I've used this wrapper (http://code.activestate.com/recipes/483742-
easy-cross-platform-excel-parsing-with-xlrd/) for xlrd (http://
www.lexicon.net/sjmachin/xlrd.htm) with good results.  As long as the
worksheet has column headers as the first row you're good to go - it
will read in the data and put it in a nice dictionary for you.

On Mar 16, 10:11 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> I think what Vincent is asking is not so much importing capability but
> an interface that can read an excel file (or a csv file) asks you the
> names (guessing from the header) and types (guessing from data) of
> columns and then writes the model for you. Perhaps something that can
> deal with the case when the table is the result of a join. Then
> importing is a trivial step. We have that already
> On Mar 16, 9:27 am, Dragonfyre13 <dragonfyr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Well, my suggestion would be forget the XLS format for the first
> > iteration. Use CSV. If you're not concerned with formulas, that's the
> > cleanest route, and included in the default python install. (csv
> > module). I use it all the time for my load test frameworks I build.
> > It's not only very easy to use, but since it's VERY easy to export
> > from excel, it shouldn't be much of a burden on the users. In a second
> > iteration, if the license matches, you could do an import from xls
> > format.
> > On Mar 16, 8:03 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > This can be done. I need to check the licence of the xls readers.
> > > On Mar 16, 3:45 am, Vincent Borghi <vincent.borgh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hello
> > > > I have used web2py to (quickly) implement a simple phone directory of
> > > > customer contacts,
> > > > for a small phone call center.
> > > > Before that, people tried to maintain their contact information in an
> > > > Excel spreadsheet
> > > > that was exchanged thru mail and/or a windows sharedc folder...
> > > > ( Also note that I deal with two zope/plone sites, but I cannot (/don't 
> > > > want) to
> > > > fully understand all the stuff that has been added/changed with the
> > > > Plone 3 release
> > > > and soon the Plone 4 one -- too complicated for me.
> > > > However, as a CMS, Plone has advantages, and afaik there is nothing 
> > > > really
> > > > production-ready in the web2py world )
> > > > By the way:
> > > > Feature request: xlstoweb2py
> > > > ===============================
> > > > For me, web2py could be the killer framework everywhere there are
> > > > simple xls Excel files
> > > > circulating among people who try to share and maintain information as
> > > > they can (and
> > > > they are numerous in many companies...).
> > > > In fact, in many cases, Excel sheets made by people involve no formula, 
> > > > but are
> > > > just tables of static data. To deal with this frequent use case, I am
> > > > looking for an
> > > > "xlstoweb2py" utility that would take an xls file as input, and would
> > > > automatically
> > > > convert the data to an sqlite database, would build a base web2py 
> > > > application
> > > > implementing CRUD features and perhaps some form of access control 
> > > > policy.
> > > > The base app would be possibly ready to use, but as the resulting code 
> > > > would be
> > > >  web2py- and python-based, it would be easy for a
> > > > developer/administrator (as me) to customize/enhance the generated app.
> > > > For me, such a "xlstoweb2py" would be a killer app.
> > > > We could even imagine a web service oriented towards the end-user (not 
> > > > to
> > > > developers), which would allow the user to upload an xls file, and in
> > > > turn, would
> > > > generate and host a (possibly customizable) web app for the user, to 
> > > > let him
> > > > manage/share his data thru the web.
> > > > Regards
> > > > Vincent Borghi
> > > > PS: thanks to web2py developers for theit great work!

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