I have not done a good job at keep track. These are two outdated


On May 6, 4:02 pm, Christopher Steel <chris.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> I am new to Python and started dabbling in Web2py late last year.
> Without a doubt the most awesome thing about working with Web2py aside
> from Web2py itself is the totally rocking Web2py community.
> Massimo has and continues to set a very high bar in terms of his
> stellar commitment to supporting the Web2py community. This example,
> combined with the ability of community members as a whole to follow
> his lead, identify and honestly report on and own the occasional bugs
> (or faux bugs caused by late nights of programming; ), make this
> community something special.
> Oh right, and sometime so much awesome new code and examples get
> contributed to the project that it seems like it has been raining high
> quality code for weeks on end.
> I created a laundry list of the qualities I was looking for in a web
> product / application framework and ended up here.
> As far as impressive sites goes, gee, do we have a list of impressive
> sites around anywhere anyone?
> Christopher Steel
> On May 6, 1:37 am, Anthony <av201...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I am brand new to web application development, and I'm looking for a
> > good web framework to learn in order to build a new web application
> > (sort of a personal task/project management system). I want it to look
> > (and act) like a serious, polished, state-of-the-art Web 2.0 site/app
> > (i.e., not amateurish or out-dated). I've got some experience with
> > website building, HTML, CSS, and a little javascript. I don't have any
> > experience with server-side coding, but I do have general programming
> > experience (i.e., not web/internet related) as well as some experience
> > with relational databases and SQL.
> > I'm looking for a framework that will be relatively easy to learn,
> > though I'm just as concerned with how easy it is to go through the
> > learning process (i.e., find well-organized documentation, tutorials,
> > examples, community support, etc.) as with the conceptual simplicity/
> > easiness of the framework itself (i.e., I don't mind learning
> > something hard if I've got good learning resources).
> > Also, rather than creating everything from scratch, I'm hoping to rely
> > as much as possible on existing libraries, plug-ins, applications,
> > examples, etc. So, a framework that's compatible with as large a
> > universe as possible of existing solutions would be ideal. I'm also
> > planning to link to various web service API's (e.g., Google Calendar).
> > From what I've read, web2py sounds like a great framework --
> > comprehensive, well-integrated, easy to set up, learn, and deploy,
> > etc. However, although it sounds good on paper, I haven't yet found a
> > single site built with web2py that looks all that impressive (at least
> > superficially). It's easy to find quite a number of sophisticated and
> > impressive looking sites/apps built with Ruby on Rails and Django, but
> > I haven't seen anything remotely comparable based on web2py. I'm
> > wondering why the disparity. Is it simply that web2py is a relative
> > newcomer and has a small user base, or does web2py have some inherent
> > limitations that make it less than ideal for building polished, larger
> > scale web apps? In other words, could a site like Basecamp
> > (www.basecamphq.com) be built just as easily with web2py as with ROR,
> > or is web2py not really suited for that level of development?
> > I'm also wondering about the long term viability of web2py. I don't
> > want to adopt a framework that ends up fizzling out in a couple years.
> > Is web2py on an upward trajectory, or is its future uncertain? For
> > example, I notice that the web2py-developers group has only about one
> > tenth as many members as even the Pylons and TurboGears developer
> > groups (and one one hundreth as many as ROR and Django). Is web2py too
> > dependent on just one or two key developers who may lose interest over
> > time?
> > Any insights and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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