On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 23:07, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:
> But the problem with web2py is that what if you don't want portal
> models to execute when they are on the public portion of the site? But
> the public depends on the portals models and visa versa. No matter
> which way you hash it, your going to have a massive web2py spaghetti
> on your plate with some giant meatballs. =)
> If your not a stickler for perfection and don't mind everything being
> pulled in regardless of where they are in your site, you should be
> fine.
> Currently, it is not an appropriate solution to even put the models in
> an external file that can be imported by each app, as the way web2py
> works your not supposed to "import" your models... yes you can make a
> function and pass your db object, but like I said, plate of spaghetti.

What we can do (developers) to solve this problem?

> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Alexandre Andrade
> <alexandrema...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> to build large app, you can:
>> 1. split you tables over several models, like
>> db.py
>> db_000_user_management.py
>> db_001_portal.py
>> db_002_ecommerce.py
>> and so on.
>> 2. split your code and html over several controllers:
>> default.py
>> portal.py
>> shop.py
>> views/default/*.html
>> views/portal/*.html
>> views/shop/*.html
>>  and so on.
>> --
>> Atenciosamente
>> --
>> =========================
>> Alexandre Andrade
>> Hipercenter.com
>> 2010/5/13 thedangler <matt...@gmail.com>
>>> I'm confused when to make apps. I'll be making a pretty decent size
>>> website and it has over 30 tables. The site will have different
>>> functionalities and for the most part i have only seen code for apps
>>> that do two or one thing.
>>> So do i make multiple apps. If so how do i know when to make a new
>>> one. If not is there a proper way to build large applications.
>>> Thank you.

Álvaro Justen - Turicas
 21 9898-0141

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