Please email it to me as an attachment with a one paragraph
explanation in the code itself about what you changed.

On May 19, 3:05 pm, Ian Reinhart Geiser <> wrote:
> Oh no, it works exactly as i expect.  I was just wondering because I
> was changing the implementation and did not want to change the
> behavior. Well no changes other than to call the specialized version
> of .elements(...)
> Here is the change I have added so far:
>     def elements(self, *args, **kargs):
>         """
>         find all component that match the supplied attribute
> dictionary,
>         or None if nothing could be found
>         All components of the components are searched.
>         """
>         # make a copy of the components
>         matches = []
>         first_only = False
>         if kargs.has_key("first_only"):
>             first_only = kargs["first_only"]
>             del kargs["first_only"]
>         try:
>             # check if the component has an attribute with the same
>             # value as provided
>             check = True
>             tag = getattr(self,'tag').replace("/","")
>             if args and tag not in args:
>                     check = False
>             for (key, value) in kargs.items():
>                 if self[key] != value:
>                     check = False
>             # if found, return the component
>             if check:
>                 matches.append(self)
>                 if first_only:
>                     return matches
>         except:
>             pass
>         # loop the copy
>         for c in self.components:
>             if isinstance(c, XmlComponent):
>                 kargs['first_only'] = first_only
>                 child_matches = c.elements( *args,  **kargs )
>                 if first_only  and len(child_matches) != 0:
>                     return child_matches
>                 matches.extend( child_matches )
>         return matches
> How might I go about getting this considered for web2py?
> mdipierro wrote:
> > It makes a copy of the list of components (shallowcopy), not a
> > deepcopy. that means that it returns a new list but the objects in
> > there should still be references to the original helpers and you can
> > modify them. Does this cause unexpected behaviour? If so can you post
> > an example? Perhaps we can improve it.
> > On May 19, 1:38 pm, Ian Reinhart Geiser <> wrote:
> > > Greetings, is there a technical reason why DIV.elements makes a copy
> > > of the elements that it returns?  The reason I am asking is because I
> > > am making a minor change to it to allow it to call children's
> > > elements() method.  This way I can overload the elements() method in
> > > those children.  The reason I am doing this is I have some SCRIPT()
> > > objects that are being created in the children but only after all of
> > > their children have been added.  Then I am using
> > > DIV.elements('script') to extract all of these individual scripts and
> > > place them as a preceding sibling SCRIPT object to the top level DIV.
> > > At any rate, I just want to make sure that there is a good reason that
> > > a copy is being performed so I can preserve that when I finish the
> > > refactoring.
> > > As a side note, from what I can tell is DIV.siblings is the same
> > > story, but it doesn't make a copy of the elements it returns.

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