
Really nice!

I haven't try it, but I have to do the importation of postgresql database
into a web2py model. I was just wondering if you can pointed the place that
should be adapt for postgresql, I will change it and return the running
code  for postgresql.



2010/5/20 Alexandre Andrade <alexandrema...@gmail.com>

> Some time ago I talk about to do it.
> Finally I have to do it.
> It can be improved to a form in appadmin, use the model to another db
> (postgresql, etc), and generate the file in /models.
> You can see the code below:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> #script to generate schemas from dbs
> #by Alexandre Andrade alexandrema...@gmail.com
> #www.hipercenter.com
> #config it here
> passwd="mypass"
> user="myuser"
> host="localhost"
> db = 'mydb'
> port='3306'
> def query(bd,sql):
>     bd.query(sql)
>     r = bd.store_result()
>     rows = r.fetch_row(maxrows=0,how=1)
>     return rows
> def get_tables():
>     rows = query(bd,'show tables')
>     tables=[]
>     for row in rows:
>         tables.append(row['Tables_in_'+db])
>     return tables
> #tables()
> def get_fields(table):
>     print table
>     rows = query(bd,'show fields from '+ table)
>     fields=[]
>     for row in rows:
>         #print row
>         fields.append(row)
>     return fields
> def field_type(field):
>     if field['Type'][0:7]=='varchar':
>         tipo = ",'string'"
>     elif field['Type'][:8]=='longtext':
>         tipo = ",'text'"
>     elif field['Type'][:3]=='int':
>         tipo = ",'integer'"
>     elif field['Type'][:4]=='date':
>         tipo = ",'date'"
>     elif field['Type'][:7]=='tinyint':
>         tipo = ",'int'"
>     elif field['Type'][:11]=='mediumtext':
>         tipo = ",'text'"
>     elif field['Type'][:4]=='char':
>         tipo = ",'text'"
>     else:
>         print  field['Type'][0:10]
>     return tipo
> def primarykey(field):
>     if field['Extra']=='auto_increment':
>         pk = True
>     else:
>         pk = False
>     return pk
> def define_table(table):
>     fields =  get_fields(table)
>     result = []
>     head = 'db = DAL("mysql://'+ user+ ':'+passwd+'@'+host+':'+port+'/'+db+'",
> pool_size=10)\r\r'
>     line = "db.define_table('"+table+"'"
>     result.append(line)
>     for field in fields:
>         if primarykey(field) == True:
>             pk =field['Field']
>             #print pk
>         tipo = field_type(field)
>         line = "    Field('"+field['Field']+"'"+tipo+")"
>         result.append(line)
>         line
>     try:
>         line = "    primarykey=['"+pk+"']"
>         result.append(line)
>     except:
>         pass
>     out = ',\r'.join(result)
>     output = head + out + '\r)'
>     print output
>     return output
> def define_db():
>     tables = get_tables()
>     r = []
>     for table in tables:
>         r.append(define_table(table))
>     result = '\r \r'.join(r)
>     return result
> r = define_db()
> f = open('db_'+db+'.py', 'w')
> f.write(r)
> f.close()
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Atenciosamente
> --
> =========================
> Alexandre Andrade
> Hipercenter.com

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