I will take a look tonight.

On 11 Giu, 14:45, Álvaro Justen <alv...@justen.eng.br> wrote:
> Hello Alexandre, nice work.
> I did it in past for SQLite and made it integrated to DAL
> I think we can union the implementations and try to get more databases
> working with this code.
> The email I sent to Massimo talking about my work (in the end of 2009)
> is copied and my code is attached:
> Note: I think we should discuss it in web2py-dev list.
> ----------------------
> Hi Massimo,
> Some weeks ago I had an idea: db.discover_tables() - a function that
> will search DB and map it into web2py's DAL.
> Today a user asked about it in mail list, so I decided to try: and my
> first result is good, I think.
> My implementation only have support to SQLite, but we can add all
> databases with a little effort - I think you could help me in this
> task.
> I modified that simple 'news' app an gluon/sql.py. My modification is
> NOT based on SVN, it is based in 1.62 rc1.
> To test: modify db.py, uncomment define_table and comment
> discover_tables. So, web2py will create tables. Enter in appadmin and
> populate them. After that, comment all define_table and uncomment
> discover_tables. So, enter in:
> http://localhost:8000/news/appadmin/select/db?query=db.authors.id%3E0http://localhost:8000/news/appadmin/select/db?query=db.news.id%3E0http://localhost:8000/news/default/testhttp://localhost:8000/news/default/create_code
> In gluon/sql.py I added:
>  - method discover_tables in class SQLDB.
>  - some code in __init__ in class SQLDB.
>  - keys 'show_tables' and 'table_fields' in SQL_DIALECTS['sqlite'] ->
> please add keys to other databases and test if you could.
> I'm sure that this code can be optimized.
> What do you think?
> --
> Álvaro Justen - Turicas
>  http://blog.justen.eng.br/
>  21 9898-0141
>  newcoolfeatureautodiscovertables.zip
> 101KVisualizzaScarica

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