I am running 1.79.2 on red hat enterprise linux with python 2.5 on a
hosting service with static ip and using port 8080. I have openssl.

I am getting the error message

use "kill -SIGTERM 2457" to shutdown the web2py server
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "web2py.py", line 20, in <module>
  File "/var/www/html/web2py/gluon/widget.py", line 863, in start
  File "/var/www/html/web2py/gluon/main.py", line 622, in __init__
    elif not rocket.ssl:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ssl'

python 2.5 has no ssl module and rocket does try to import ssl with an
exception handler. Also, main.py repeats code around where the
rocket.ssl is.

I would like to get this going, but I am also reporting what appears
to be  errors.

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