On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 14:49, Anand Vaidya <anandvaidya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Some quick updates:
> 1) The labnote book is released as an Opensource app and it can be
> found @ http://cynote.sourceforge.net/ They are actually using the app
> as a digital journal
> 2) Met zoom quiet :-)
very shot say hollo, and i make one recorder for the lighting talk:

in fact there is one speech abt. web2py:
Electronic Laboratory Notebook on the Web2Py Framework
(Yong Yao Ng, Maurice HT Ling)
but, just choice web2py to building school system;
not detail for sharing why usage web2py,,,,

> 3) I did a lightning talk on web2py and demo'd just enough web2py.
> Heard later from some attendees that the zero-install feature is nice
> and they would be trying out web2py...
> I had asked the organizers whether all the videos will be uploaded to
> youtube or blip.tv, they seem to be not certain.
> FYI, Steve Holden, Graham Dumpleton, Wesley Chun, Mark Hammond were
> all here and it was time well spent (for us, attendees)
> Regards
> Anand
> On Jun 9, 11:15 pm, "Zoom.Quiet" <zoom.qu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 02:09, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
>> > send us some slides when done.
>> sure, u will sharing voice recoder ;-)
>> > On Jun 7, 2:29 am, Anand Vaidya <anandvaidya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Pycon APAC 2010 is scheduled to run from 9th to 11th in Singapore.
>> >> On the 10th June, 11:10am we have a talk :
>> >> "Electronic Laboratory Notebook on the Web2Py Framework (Yong Yao Ng,
>> >> Maurice HT Ling) "
>> >> Maurice Ling is a staff member of the local (Republic) Polytechnic and
>> >> the Conference Chair.
>> >>http://pycon.sit.rp.sg/conference-1
>> >> FYI
>> --http://zoomquiet.org人生苦短? Pythonic!

http://zoomquiet.org 人生苦短? Pythonic!

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