Right now we have admin

I think we could have an alternative admin (we could ship them as one
app but we should depelop it separately) which sees the applications
folder as an elFinder file structure but not a real one, a virtual one
(except for static files). We would need custom hanlders for the event
of creating fileds and folder. For example when a new folder is
created under applications, welcome.w2p has to be expended in there.
It should be forbidden to edit a non-py file under controllers/models
and non-html files under views/ etc. Some virtual files may be listed
that do not correspond to real files. For example one that contains
the results of tests and one that contains the appadmin (the same one
we have now).

These are just prelimiary ideas. Everything is open for discoussion.


On 4 Lug, 07:05, GoldenTiger <goldenboy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Phyo
> >>GoldenBoy , why not we work together on this instead of separating another 
> >>one ?
> yes, of course, that's why i suggested some place to work together
> like a google group or similar
> >>Another thing , how can i serve file, to be able to download directly out of
> >>web2py's application folder? Is it allowed? I guess not.
> not sure about what you want to say
> are you talking about how to download a file located for example at
> web2py/deposit/file.w2p ?
> web2py can read/write the same files as user account, but the download
> is done by URL(), takes public folders as parameters. this function
> can't serve non-public files directly, a controller is needed
> what user is intended for?
> 1-admin of web2py?
> 2-admin of an app?
> 3- or end user?
> An end user should have limited permissions to folders on the
> application.
> I see very interesting the integration with admin application, so we
> can manage files easily and use elRTE for html edition, totally online
> Troex: I saw the domain elfinder.com is bought, is it yours?
> Massimo,
> have you been thinking about implementation concepts?  I'd love to
> know a little about your approach of elfinder based admin

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