I am already promoting elfinder ;)
I am who shared for first time elfinder at web2py groups (english and
spanish groups).
Users comments about elfinder is very very good.

look at comments from the users:

       Massimo di Pierro wrote: "Really nice. Perhaps it is a time for
an admin^2"

Any Server side File management appliance in python?

At spanish web2py group:
      "The resources you have put are awesome.I've gone amazed with

>>Maybe you can give some advices how or where to promote our open
>>source projects I really believe we can hit the world with our

Yes I can give you some advices to promote it, I am very good on SEO,
I have been working as SEO expert with very good results

QUESTION:why elfinder is unknown out from Russia?
ANSWER: your domain is a .ru

When i discover elfinder I had been searching for a few hours.
finding your software is very dificult for english users
for spanish users is almost impossible

My advice to you: buy the domain www.elfinder.org or .com, instead as
a subfolder of elrte.ru

I can help you to promote among spanish community and market, since I
am planning using it on production server it will be easy for me. Just
let me know.
I can talk to your partner in Spain if you want too. You can contact
me through the mail you see above.

Another advice is translating ElDorado-CMS to english and spanish, and
buy more appropiate domains too.
The demo is amazing :)

On 1 jul, 12:22, Troex Nevelin <tr...@fury.scancode.ru> wrote:
> About starting google group I think no, this is more political
> question, we have our own resources (git, issues, wiki, forum). People
> who develop elRTE andelFinderalso develop commercial projects
> therefore it is good to have all development in one place. BtwelFinderwas 
> started not "just for fun" but as commercial need.
> > About elRTE, do you plan to integrate it withelfinderand python as
> well?elFinderintegrates well with elRTE here is 
> dochttp://elrte.ru/redmine/projects/elfinder/wiki/Integration_EN
> elRTE is pure javascript so no need to integrate it with python, maybe
> only write a little helper.
> About Spanish, I don't speak it. Spanish translation is done by one of
> our contributers who live in Spain and now he is stuck with Java
> connector. Our team is all Russians and have difficulties speaking/
> writing English, except me (I'm not russian but Russian is native
> language to me). I'm responsible for all non-russian communication.
> elRTE and especiallyelFinderare now well known in Russian IT
> community and market, some big companies already integratedelFinder
> in their products but this is not true for the rest of the world.
> Maybe you can give some advices how or where to promote our open
> source projects. I really believe we can hit the world with our
> projects.

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