I tried changing to cron=False in web2py.py.  No impact on problem.
Same two-laptop setup as described previous.  Happens even on  pages
that contain very little.  Chrome DevTools shows same problem as
before:  One or more the .js/.css/.png files are delayed by 20 to 25
seconds latency.

The problem is also unaffected by whether I run web2py under winpdb or
directly from the command line.   If I interrupt during the latency
while running under winpdb,  I typically see

* MainThread in rocket.py start() on line 301
* Thread1 in threading.py wait() called by Queue.py get() called by
rocket.py run() line 405
* Remaining 10 threads all in socket.py readline() called by rocket.py
read_request_line() line 825

I'd send you the full stack traces but winpdb doesn't seem to support
copying selections. (argggh!)

Hope this is useful.

On Jul 21, 1:01 pm, Kuba Kucharski <kuba.kuchar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> yes, but I am on the GPRS connection now, I am not able to test it so
> the results be reliable, I will try to do that asap

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