On Aug 12, 2010, at 8:44 AM, David Marko wrote:

> Failed requests:        19
>   (Connect: 0, Receive: 0, Length: 19, Exceptions: 0)

> May not actually be a problem. Reason? It might be a site that serves dynamic 
> context (such as different cookie IDs mentioned) where the file size changes 
> between each query. 
> http://www.celebrazio.net/tech/unix/apache_bench.html 
> Easy way to verify: 
> Code:  $ wget <url>   
> Repeat that twice, then: 
> Code:  $ diff <retrieved filename> <retrieved filename>.1     
> See if there are differences. If yes, then you can ignore the length-related 
> failures. If no, it's some other cause and need to investigate further.


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