Need more info.

which database?
if sqlite... you cannot use concurrent requests because sqlite locks
entire file.
if not sqlite... did you set pool_size=n where n is the number of
concurrent requests you test?
if so, did you look for tickets in the yourapp/error folder?
If none, did you look for tickets in admin/error folder?

On Aug 12, 12:53 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> The chunked issue needs to be investigated. Are you using rocket or
> apache? I also noticed rocket responds always with http/1.1 which
> (allows the server to decide on the option of chunked encoding and it
> may decide based on the length of content). The problem is that ab - I
> think - asks for 1.0 since according to the docs does not support 1.x
> fully.
> Massimo
> On Aug 12, 12:08 pm, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> > On Aug 12, 2010, at 10:00 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > > You are the man.
> > > For the page I am considering the fail requests are not a real failure
> > > but declare a content-length of 19383 (wrong) instead of 19384
> > > (correct). Let's continue investigate...
> > I'm seeing two variations (using curl -i).
> > One is harmless:
> > <div>datetime.datetime(2010, 8, 12, 18, 0, 36, 68094)</div>
> > vs
> > <div>datetime.datetime(2010, 8, 12, 18, 3, 15, 325125)</div>
> > However, the other is odd:
> > tmp $ grep -i Transfer-Encoding ?
> > 2:Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> > 4:Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> > 5:Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> > 6:Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> > tmp $ grep -i Transfer-Length ?
> > tmp $ grep -i Content-Length ?
> > 1:Content-Length: 24163
> > 3:Content-Length: 24164
> > (filenames 1-6 are my curl -i captures)
> > Apparently at random, I see chunked returns.
> > My request is: curl -i

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