I will look into this, something that should be <utf8 appears to be
unicode. Meanwhile make sure the page layout has a head meta encoding
set to utf8

On 15 Ago, 17:33, Luis Díaz <diazluis2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> failure
> I have the following model:
> db.define_table('race',
>     Field('name', 'string', length=32, default='', unique=True,
>           ondelete='CASCADE', label='Race'),
>     format='%(name)s'
> )
> db.race.name.requires = [
>     IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, db.race.name),
>     IS_LENGTH(maxsize=32, minsize=3)
> ]
> when I try to add a race where the word this asentuada. gives me error
> web2py commented that I am running in local mode and EAG
> details of the problem:
> Error traceback
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.
> 7.
> 8.
> 9.
> 10.
> 11.
> 12.
> 13.
> 14.
> 15.
> 16.
> 17.
> 18.
> 19.
> 20.
> 21.
> 22.
> 23.
> 24.
> 25.
> 26.
> 27.
> 28.
> 29.
> 30.
> 31.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 186, in 
> restricted
>     exec ccode in environment
>   File 
> "C:\google_appengine\web2py\applications\welcome2/controllers/appadmin.py:i­nsert",
> line 410, in <module>
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 96, in <lambda>
>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>   File 
> "C:\google_appengine\web2py\applications\welcome2/controllers/appadmin.py:i­nsert",
> line 125, in insert
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py", line 905, in accepts
>     hideerror=hideerror,
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 1512, in accepts
>     status = self._traverse(status,hideerror)
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 522, in _traverse
>     newstatus = c._traverse(status,hideerror) and newstatus
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 522, in _traverse
>     newstatus = c._traverse(status,hideerror) and newstatus
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 522, in _traverse
>     newstatus = c._traverse(status,hideerror) and newstatus
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 522, in _traverse
>     newstatus = c._traverse(status,hideerror) and newstatus
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 529, in _traverse
>     newstatus = self._validate()
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 1300, in _validate
>     (value, errors) = validator(value)
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\validators.py", line 493, in __call__
>     rows = self.dbset(field == value).select(limitby=(0, 1))
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\contrib\gql.py", line 732, in select
>     self._db['_lastsql'] = 'SELECT WHERE %s' % self.where
>   File "C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\contrib\gql.py", line 611, in __str__
>     return ' AND '.join([str(filter) for filter in self.filters])
> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in
> position 12: ordinal not in range(128)
> Error snapshot *Detailed traceback description*
>    - Exception: <type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>('ascii' codec can't
>    encode character u'\xe9' in position 12: ordinal not in range(128))
>    *Exception instance attributes*
>       - __getslice__: <method-wrapper '__getslice__' of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - encoding: 'ascii'
>       - __str__: <method-wrapper '__str__' of exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError
>       object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __getattribute__: <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __dict__: {}
>       - __sizeof__: <built-in method __sizeof__ of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __init__: <method-wrapper '__init__' of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __setattr__: <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __reduce_ex__: <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - end: 13
>       - __new__: <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E1F6A08>
>       - __format__: <built-in method __format__ of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __class__: <type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>
>       - start: 12
>       - __doc__: 'Unicode encoding error.'
>       - object: u'nombre = caf\xe9'
>       - __getitem__: <method-wrapper '__getitem__' of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __setstate__: <built-in method __setstate__ of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __reduce__: <built-in method __reduce__ of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - args: ('ascii', u'nombre = caf\xe9', 12, 13, 'ordinal not in
>       range(128)')
>       - reason: 'ordinal not in range(128)'
>       - __subclasshook__: <built-in method __subclasshook__ of type object
>       at 0x1E1F6A08>
>       - __unicode__: <built-in method __unicode__ of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __delattr__: <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __repr__: <method-wrapper '__repr__' of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>       - __hash__: <method-wrapper '__hash__' of
>       exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError object at 0x03909D88>
>    - Python 2.6.4: C:\Python26\python.exe
> File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\restricted.py in restricted at line
> 186 [ code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (code=<code object <module> at 037B1D10, file
> "C:\goog...welcome2/controllers/appadmin.py:insert", line 7>,
> environment={'A': <class 'gluon.html.A'>, 'Auth': <class
> 'gluon.tools.Auth'>, 'B': <class 'gluon.html.B'>, 'BEAUTIFY': <class
> 'gluon.html.BEAUTIFY'>, 'BODY': <class 'gluon.html.BODY'>, 'BR': <class '
> gluon.html.BR'>, 'CENTER': <class 'gluon.html.CENTER'>, 'CLEANUP': <class
> 'gluon.validators.CLEANUP'>, 'CODE': <class 'gluon.html.CODE'>, 'CRYPT':
> <class 'gluon.validators.CRYPT'>, ...},
> layer=r'C:\google_appengine\web2py\applications\welcome2/controllers/appadm­in.py')
> *
> 181.
> 182.
> 183.
> 184.
> 185.
> 186.
> 187.
> 188.
> 189.
> 190.
>         if type(code) == types.CodeType:
>             ccode = code
>         else:
>             ccode = compile2(code,layer)
>         exec ccode in environment
>     except HTTP:
>         raise
>     except Exception:
>         # XXX Show exception in Wing IDE if running in debugger
>    - environment: {'A': <class 'gluon.html.A'>, 'Auth': <class
>    'gluon.tools.Auth'>, 'B': <class 'gluon.html.B'>, 'BEAUTIFY': <class
>    'gluon.html.BEAUTIFY'>, 'BODY': <class 'gluon.html.BODY'>, 'BR': <class '
>    gluon.html.BR'>, 'CENTER': <class 'gluon.html.CENTER'>, 'CLEANUP': <class
>    'gluon.validators.CLEANUP'>, 'CODE': <class 'gluon.html.CODE'>, 'CRYPT':
>    <class 'gluon.validators.CRYPT'>, ...}
>    - ccode: <code object <module> at 037B1D10, file
>    "C:\goog...welcome2/controllers/appadmin.py:insert", line 7>
>  File
> C:\google_appengine\web2py\applications\welcome2\controllers\appadmin.py:in­sert
> in <module> at line 410 [ code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: ()*
>   File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\globals.py in <lambda> at line 96 [
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (f=<function insert at 0x03920430>)*
> 91.
> 92.
> 93.
> 94.
> 95.
> 96.
> 97.
> 98.
> 99.
> 100.
>         self.flash = ''           # used by the default view layout
>         self.meta = Storage()     # used by web2py_ajax.html
>         self.menu = []            # used by the default view layout
>         self.files = []           # used by web2py_ajax.html
>         self._vars = None
>         self._caller = lambda f: f()
>         self._view_environment = None
>         self._custom_commit = None
>         self._custom_rollback = None
>    - self: undefined
>    - f: <function insert at 0x03920430>
>  File
> C:\google_appengine\web2py\applications\welcome2\controllers\appadmin.py:in­sert
> in insert at line 125 [ code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: ()*
>   File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py in accepts at line 905 [
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.sqlhtml.SQLFORM object at 0x0391FCD0>,
> request_vars=<Storage {'nombre': 'caf\xc3\xa9', '_formkey':
> '...67-5eaba8467eb6', '_formname': 'carrera_create'}>, session=<Storage
> {'_formkey[pais_create]': '44d0efc5-698...reate]':
> 'dc2d6d30-5dd3-4235-9267-5eaba8467eb6'}>, formname='carrera_create',
> keepvalues=False, onvalidation=None, dbio=True, hideerror=False)*
> 900.
> 901.
> 902.
> 903.
> 904.
> 905.
> 906.
> 907.
> 908.
> 909.
>             request_vars,
>             session,
>             formname,
>             keepvalues,
>             onvalidation,
>             hideerror=hideerror,
>             )
>         if not ret and self.record and self.errors:
>             for key in self.errors.keys():
>    - hideerror: False
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py in accepts at line 1512 [
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.sqlhtml.SQLFORM object at 0x0391FCD0>,
> vars=<Storage {'nombre': 'caf\xc3\xa9', '_formkey': '...67-5eaba8467eb6',
> '_formname': 'carrera_create'}>, session=<Storage {'_formkey[pais_create]':
> '44d0efc5-698...reate]': 'dc2d6d30-5dd3-4235-9267-5eaba8467eb6'}>,
> formname='carrera_create', keepvalues=False, onvalidation=None,
> hideerror=False)*
> 1507.
> 1508.
> 1509.
> 1510.
> 1511.
> 1512.
> 1513.
> 1514.
> 1515.
> 1516.
>         if self.session and self.session.get('_formkey[%s]'
>                  % self.formname, None) != self.request_vars._formkey:
>             status = False
>         if self.formname != self.request_vars._formname:
>             status = False
>         status = self._traverse(status,hideerror)
>         if status and onvalidation:
>             if isinstance(onvalidation, (list, tuple)):
>                 [f(self) for f in onvalidation]
>             else:
>    - status: True
>    - self: <gluon.sqlhtml.SQLFORM object at 0x0391FCD0>
>    - self._traverse: <bound method SQLFORM._traverse of
>    <gluon.sqlhtml.SQLFORM object at 0x0391FCD0>>
>    - hideerror: False
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py in _traverse at line 522 [
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.sqlhtml.SQLFORM object at 0x0391FCD0>,
> status=True, hideerror=False)*
> 517.
> 518.
> 519.
> 520.
> 521.
> 522.
> 523.
> 524.
> 525.
> 526.
>                 c.errors = self.errors
>                 c.latest = self.latest
>                 c.session = self.session
>                 c.formname = self.formname
>                 c['hideerror']=hideerror
>                 newstatus = c._traverse(status,hideerror) and newstatus
>         # for input, textarea, select, option
>         # deal with 'value' and 'validation'
>    - status: True
>    - newstatus: True
>    - c: <gluon.html.TABLE object at 0x03923BB0>
>    - hideerror: False
>    - c._traverse: <bound method TABLE._traverse of <gluon.html.TABLE object
>    at 0x03923BB0>>
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py in _traverse at line 522 [
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.TABLE object at 0x03923BB0>,
> status=True, hideerror=False)*
> 517.
> 518.
> 519.
> 520.
> 521.
> 522.
> 523.
> 524.
> 525.
> 526.
>                 c.errors = self.errors
>                 c.latest = self.latest
>                 c.session = self.session
>                 c.formname = self.formname
>                 c['hideerror']=hideerror
>                 newstatus = c._traverse(status,hideerror) and newstatus
>         # for input, textarea, select, option
>         # deal with 'value' and 'validation'
>    - status: True
>    - newstatus: True
>    - c: <gluon.html.TR object at 0x03923C50>
>    - hideerror: False
>    - c._traverse: <bound method TR._traverse of <gluon.html.TR object at
>    0x03923C50>>
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py in _traverse at line 522 [
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.TR object at 0x03923C50>,
> status=True, hideerror=False)*
> 517.
> 518.
> 519.
> 520.
> 521.
> 522.
> 523.
> 524.
> 525.
> 526.
>                 c.errors = self.errors
>                 c.latest = self.latest
>                 c.session = self.session
>                 c.formname = self.formname
>                 c['hideerror']=hideerror
>                 newstatus = c._traverse(status,hideerror) and newstatus
>         # for input, textarea, select, option
>         # deal with 'value' and 'validation'
>    - status: True
>    - newstatus: True
>    - c: <gluon.html.TD object at 0x03923BF0>
>    - hideerror: False
>    - c._traverse: <bound method TD._traverse of <gluon.html.TD object at
>    0x03923BF0>>
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py in _traverse at line 522 [
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.TD object at 0x03923BF0>,
> status=True, hideerror=False)*
> 517.
> 518.
> 519.
> 520.
> 521.
> 522.
> 523.
> 524.
> 525.
> 526.
>                 c.errors = self.errors
>                 c.latest = self.latest
>                 c.session = self.session
>                 c.formname = self.formname
>                 c['hideerror']=hideerror
>                 newstatus = c._traverse(status,hideerror) and newstatus
>         # for input, textarea, select, option
>         # deal with 'value' and 'validation'
>    - status: True
>    - newstatus: True
>    - c: <gluon.html.INPUT object at 0x0391FE30>
>    - hideerror: False
>    - c._traverse: <bound method INPUT._traverse of <gluon.html.INPUT object
>    at 0x0391FE30>>
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py in _traverse at line 529 [
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.INPUT object at 0x0391FE30>,
> status=True, hideerror=False)*
> 524.
> 525.
> 526.
> 527.
> 528.
> 529.
> 530.
> 531.
> 532.
> 533.
>         # for input, textarea, select, option
>         # deal with 'value' and 'validation'
>         name = self['_name']
>         if newstatus:
>             newstatus = self._validate()
>             self._postprocessing()
>         elif 'old_value' in self.attributes:
>             self['value'] = self['old_value']
>             self._postprocessing()
>    - newstatus: True
>    - self: <gluon.html.INPUT object at 0x0391FE30>
>    - self._validate: <bound method INPUT._validate of <gluon.html.INPUT
>    object at 0x0391FE30>>
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\html.py in _validate at line 1300 [
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.INPUT object at 0x0391FE30>)*
> 1295.
> 1296.
> 1297.
> 1298.
> 1299.
> 1300.
> 1301.
> 1302.
> 1303.
> 1304.
>         requires = self['requires']
>         if requires:
>             if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)):
>                 requires = [requires]
>             for validator in requires:
>                 (value, errors) = validator(value)
>                 if errors != None:
>                     self.vars[name] = value
>                     self.errors[name] = errors
>                     break
>    - errors: undefined
>    - value: 'caf\xc3\xa9'
>    - validator: <gluon.validators.IS_NOT_IN_DB object at 0x0391DC70>
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\validators.py in __call__ at line 493[
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.validators.IS_NOT_IN_DB object at
> 0x0391DC70>, value='caf\xc3\xa9')*
> 488.
> 489.
> 490.
> 491.
> 492.
> 493.
> 494.
> 495.
> 496.
> 497.
>             return (value, self.error_message)
>         if value in self.allowed_override:
>             return (value, None)
>         (tablename, fieldname) = str(self.field).split('.')
>         field = self.dbset._db[tablename][fieldname]
>         rows = self.dbset(field == value).select(limitby=(0, 1))
>         if len(rows) > 0:
>             if isinstance(self.record_id, dict):
>                 for f in self.record_id:
>                     if str(getattr(rows[0], f)) != str(self.record_id[f]):
>    - rows: undefined
>    - self.dbset: <gluon.contrib.gql.Set object at 0x0391DE30>
>    - self: <gluon.validators.IS_NOT_IN_DB object at 0x0391DC70>
>    - ).select: undefined
>    - value: 'caf\xc3\xa9'
>    - limitby: undefined
>    - field: <gluon.contrib.gql.Field object at 0x0391DDB0>
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\contrib\gql.py in select at line 732[
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.contrib.gql.Set object at 0x03923DD0>,
> *fields=['id', 'nombre'], **attributes={'limitby': (0, 1)})*
> 727.
> 728.
> 729.
> 730.
> 731.
> 732.
> 733.
> 734.
> 735.
> 736.
>         Always returns a Rows object, even if it may be empty
>         cache attribute ignored on GAE
>         """
>         (items, tablename, fields) = self._select(*fields, **attributes)
>         self._db['_lastsql'] = 'SELECT WHERE %s' % self.where
>         rows = []
>         for item in items:
>             new_item = []
>             for t in fields:
>    - self: <gluon.contrib.gql.Set object at 0x03923DD0>
>    - self._db: <SQLDB {'auth_permission': <Table {'ALL':
>    <gluon...gluon.contrib.gql.Field object at 0x0391DB10>}>}>
>    - self.where: <gluon.contrib.gql.Query object at 0x03923DB0>
>  File C:\google_appengine\web2py\gluon\contrib\gql.py in __str__ at line 611[
> code | arguments | variables ]
> *Function argument list: (self=<gluon.contrib.gql.Query object at
> 0x03923DB0>)*
> 606.
> 607.
> 608.
> 609.
> 610.
> 611.
> 612.
> 613.
> 614.
> 615.
>             raise RuntimeError, 'NOT (... IN ...) is not supported on GAE'
>         new_op =
> {'<':'>','>':'<','=':'!=','!=':'=','<=':'>=','>=':'<='}[filter.op]
>         return Query(filter.left, new_op, filter.right)
>     def __str__(self):
>         return ' AND '.join([str(filter) for filter in self.filters])
> class Set(gluon.sql.Set):
>    - builtinstr: <type 'str'>
>    - filter: <gluon.contrib.gql.Filter instance at 0x0391AC38>
>    - self: <gluon.contrib.gql.Query object at 0x03923DB0>
>    - self.filters: [<gluon.contrib.gql.Filter instance at 0x0391AC38>]
> --
> Díaz Luis
> TSU Analisis de Sistemas
> Universidad de Carabobo

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