I am having a problem with some customization of the tagging plugin.
I downloaded and installed in a test app and all is well.  In my
application I need to manipulate the data tables.  More specifically I
need one set of tagging tables (t tables)  for each of my partitioned
databases.  This required me to customize it a bit.  It is no longer a
plugin, but the models and views and controllers are directly in my
app.  The problem is I get "loading..." whenever I try and invoke
{{=tagging('meeting',43}} in my applications index view (my way of
testing/debugging this).  While I am not 100% sure I think the calling
sequence initiated from the previous statement is:

1) call to tagging defined in the model - tagging.py

def tagging(table_name=None,record_id=0):
    You can tag a record of a table by embedding this::
    where 'mytable' is a table name and 45 is a record id.
    It will display a tagging widget.
    print '     '
    print 'in model - tagging'
    print table_name
    print record_id
    print '     '

which in fact does print the debug statements.  I am unsure if I need
the LOAD statement and wonder if this is residual form the original

2) I think that is what is supposed to happen  is the LOAD statement
invokes the "index" function in the "tagging controller" passing in
the requisite parameters.  This is not happening as the debug
statements never print.  Also I am not sure when (or if)  the 3 lines
of code after the import are getting executed.  I assume this is
relate dto the LOAD functiion.

Controller Code follows:

import re

mtgdb = getmtgdb()
db_tag = mtgdb.tagging_tag
db_link = mtgdb.tagging_link

def index():

    print '----------------------in tagging'
    print request.args(0)
    print request.args(1)
    print '   '

    if not auth.user_id:
        return ''
    if table_name!='0' and not (table_name in mtgdb.tables and
        raise HTTP(404)
    form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('tag_name'))
    if request.vars.tag_name:
        for item in request.vars.tag_name.split(','):
            tag_name = re.compile('\s+').sub(' ',item).strip()
            if not tag_name[-1:]=='/': tag_name+='/'
            tag_exists = tag =
            if not tag_exists:
                tag = db_tag.insert(name=tag_name, links=1)
            link = mtgdb(db_link.tag==tag.id)\
            if not link:
                if tag_exists:
    for key in request.vars:
        if key[:6]=='delete':
            del db_link[link_id]
            db_tag[link.tag] = dict(links=db_tag[link.tag].links-1)
    links = mtgdb(db_link.table_name==table_name)\
              .sort(lambda row: row.tag.name.upper())
    return dict(links=links, form=form)

def tag_cloud():
    tags = mtgdb(db_tag.links>0).select()
    if tags:
        mc = max([tag.links for tag in tags])
    return DIV(_class='tagging_tag_cloud',
               *[SPAN(tag.name[:-1]+' ',_style='font-size:%sem' \
                          % (0.8+1.0*tag.links/mc)) for tag in tags])

View Code - tagging.html:

<div class="tagging">
{{for link in links:}}
<input type="checkbox" name="delete{{=link.id}}" />
{{if links:}}<input type="submit" value="del"/>{{pass}}
<input name="tag_name" value="" size="5" />
<input type="submit" value="tag" />

Thanks in advance . /david

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