On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:31 AM, mwolfe02 wrote:
> I'm still debugging now, but there seems to be an issue using the
> special $anything token inside app-specific routes_in.  It appears
> that the incoming URL is being applied to each app-specific routes_in
> one at a time before it is applied against routes_app.
> I'll try to include more details later, but I wanted to bring it to
> your attention now.

Thanks. I'll wait to hear from you.

It should look at the global routes_app first (because it doesn't know which 
app-specific routes to use), and if that resolves to an app that has its own 
routes file, then use that for routes_in.

> -Mike
> On Aug 7, 12:36 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 7, 2010, at 9:32 AM, David Marko wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> have you tested performance impact on application. Do you assume some
>>> noticeable slowdown when usingroutes?
>> I have not measured it, but I'd expect the effect to be trivial, perhaps 
>> unmeasurable in that it'd be in the noise.
>> In particular, the routing files are read and the regexes compiled only 
>> once, when web2py starts up, so the per-request overhead is quite low.
>>> david
>>> On 7 srp, 18:26, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>>> On Aug 7, 2010, at 9:03 AM, mdipierro wrote:
>>>>> Thanks to Jonathan Lundell we have an experimental version in trunk of
>>>>> applevelroutes.
>>>>> To understand how it works readroutes.example.py and comments in the
>>>>> file gluon/rewrite.py
>>>>> If you test it please report your findings here.
>>>> *Very* experimental, mostly not tested.
>>>> I'll describe some of the changes here.
>>>> 1. If you don't explicitly invoke any of the new features, routing should 
>>>> behave identically to before. If you see any different, please let us know 
>>>> asap.
>>>> 2. You can now have aroutes.py in the top level folder of an application, 
>>>> and it will be used *instead* of the baseroutes.py. However, it's not 
>>>> enough to simply have the file there; you must inform the routing logic 
>>>> about it.
>>>> 3. The way you inform the routing logic is with a new element in the 
>>>> baseroutes.py: routes_app. routes_app is processed identically to 
>>>> routes_in, but the output must be anappname (or nothing). routes_app is 
>>>> processed at the beginning of a request. If it produces anappname, and 
>>>> thatapphas anapp-specificroutes.py (that is, 
>>>> applications/appname/routes.py), then thatroutes.py is used instead of the 
>>>> baseroutes.py.
>>>> 4. In an unrelated change, there are three other new elements inroutes.py:
>>>> default_application = "init"
>>>> default_controller = "default"
>>>> default_function = "index"
>>>> Note that default_application doesn't interact withapp-specfic routing, 
>>>> since it's used after rewrite has taken place. default_controller and 
>>>> default_function should normally be used only in anapp-specificroutes.py, 
>>>> because, in the baseroutes.py, they will apply to all apps *without* 
>>>> anapp-specificroutes.py. That would probably lead to confusion when 
>>>> running admin or examples; at the very least their defaults would break.
>>>> 5. As usual, I suggest that when you editroutes.example.py to generate a 
>>>> newroutes.py, you also edit the doctest at the end, and use it to verify 
>>>> that you're getting what you expect. To run the doctest, just do 
>>>> "pythonroutes.py".
>>>> Note also that I have a more far-reaching change in mind, but don't have 
>>>> it worked out yet. The new version will move away from regexes (though the 
>>>> old logic will remain in place for compatibility). It's supposed to be 
>>>> more flexible and much easier to use, and also handle URL encoding & 
>>>> decoding better. But this change should help in the meantime.

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