Actually, I had commented out routes_app altogether.  When I restored
it to this, things seemed to work again:

routes_app = ((r'/(?P<app>welcome|admin|examples|app)\b.*',
              (r'(.*)', r'my_app'),
              (r'/?(.*)', r'my_app'))

I was thinking that the logic would work as follows:

1. if base routes_in exists check URL against base routes_in (if match
found then rewrite else continue)
2. if routes_app exists check URL against routes_app (if match found
then load app-specific routes_in or app-specific default controller/
function else continue)
3. if default_app specified then load app-specific routes_in or app-
specific default controller/function for the default_app
4. if no default_app specified and URL does not match base routes_in
or routes_app return error

Once URL rewriting has been redirected to a specific app (as in step 2
or 3 above) do the following:

1. if app-specific routes_in exists check URL against app-specific
routes_in (if match found then rewrite else continue)
2. if URL maps to an existing controller/function, then call that
controller/function else continue
3. if default_controller specified, prepend default_controller to URL
and try step 2 else continue
4. if default_controller and default_function specified, prepend
default_controller/default_function to URL and try step 2 else
5. if default_function specified, assume first part of URL is
controller, insert default_function after assumed controller and
before any potential function arguments
6. if nothing matches, return error

Obviously my assumptions were not entirely correct.  I'm wondering if
you could pass along a brief overview of how the routes_app,
default_app, default_controller, and default_function parameters all
actually do interact in terms of URL rewriting.

Thanks again,

On Aug 31, 5:34 pm, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:20 PM, Michael Wolfe wrote:
> > That didn't seem to quite do it.  Visiting
> > to of
> >  The URL is being
> > substantively rewritten in the parse_url function (lines 802-807) of
> > gluon/
> >    request.application = \
> >        regex_space.sub('_','a') or
> > rewrite.params.default_application)
> >    request.controller = \
> >        regex_space.sub('_','c') or
> > rewrite.params.default_controller)
> >    request.function = \
> >        regex_space.sub('_','f') or
> > rewrite.params.default_function)
> > The problem being that rewrite.params.default_function is not using
> > the default_function specified in my app-specific
> > The parse_url function is being called from line 326 of gluon/
> >            # ##################################################
> >            # invoke the legacy URL parser and serve static file
> >            # ##################################################
> >            static_file = parse_url(request, environ)
> > To be clear, /my_app/default/search/ is not a static file; parse_url
> > appears to do double-duty identifying static files and performing
> > simple URL re-writes.
> > On a side note, I'll be heading home for the day soon and won't be
> > working on this project again until Thursday.  So if you don't get a
> > response from me for awhile....that's why.
> OK. I'll take a closer look. It's helpful to know that it's getting 'index' 
> in this case.
> One final thing: what's your routes_app? Is in 
> my_app? Maybe you could send me, privately if you like, your global and 
> my_app
> > -Mike
> > On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Jonathan Lundell <> 
> > wrote:
> >> On Aug 31, 2010, at 12:53 PM, mwolfe02 wrote:
> >>> default_function does not seem to be recognized properly in app-
> >>> specific  I'm thinking default_controller may have a
> >>> similar problem, but I'm not really redefining it.
> >>> My base has default_application set to 'my_app' (and nothing
> >>> set for default_controller or default_function).  In the
> >>> file for my 'my_app' I have the following set:
> >>> default_controller = 'default'  # ordinarily set in app-specific
> >>>
> >>> default_function = 'search'      # ordinarily set in app-specific
> >>>
> >>> When I visit receive the 'invalid function' page
> >>> instead of rewriting to  I'm
> >>> debugging now and will post back when I learn more.
> >> OK, making the current app the default turned out to be pretty 
> >> straightforward, and even if that's not the problem you're having, I think 
> >> it makes sense to do. Here's the new
> >>

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