Last week someone asked me if I could build a web app for a node in a
network. Over the past couple of days I gave this question some
thought, and I came up with a design of which I don't know if its
doable in web2py.

The node has 250+ members. At the moment there is a master/detail
function which enables the user to search for a member, and when the
user clicks a member his details are presented in a business card
format. Instead of this business card the node would like to offer its
members a web site.

This website should enable the members to communicate who they are,
what they do, how they work together, news and events, where they are
etc. Since there is a lot of similarity in what the members
communicate, and for instance news and events should be accessible
from the index application, I thought of developing one application
for all 250+ members.

In my design I defined a database table 'member' to which the tables
containing the content for the different menu items point. Then in the
controller design I defined a function for every menu item. Similarly
I defined views.

Since not all members will have the same menu items, I thought of
defining a table 'menu' in which the members could set menu items to
true or false, and defining a function menu which generates the menu.
Here's where I start worrying about the feasibility of my design.

When the user clicks a member, I thought of setting the member id in
session.member_id and passing this member_id around as an argument in
every url. In every function I would check if the member id in the
session is the same as the member id in the url. If not the function
should redirect to a function that sets the member id in the session
to the one in the url and call the menu function to generate the menu
corresponding with the member id in the url.

I hope some of you will give my idea some thought and comment on its
feasibility and the things I overlooked and make it a bad idea. Any
comment is very much appreciated.

Kind regards,


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