Nothing obviously wrong with your model. Anyway, if we see we may be
able to say more.

On Sep 1, 1:55 am, annet <> wrote:
> Last week someone asked me if I could build a web app for a node in a
> network. Over the past couple of days I gave this question some
> thought, and I came up with a design of which I don't know if its
> doable in web2py.
> The node has 250+ members. At the moment there is a master/detail
> function which enables the user to search for a member, and when the
> user clicks a member his details are presented in a business card
> format. Instead of this business card the node would like to offer its
> members a web site.
> This website should enable the members to communicate who they are,
> what they do, how they work together, news and events, where they are
> etc. Since there is a lot of similarity in what the members
> communicate, and for instance news and events should be accessible
> from the index application, I thought of developing one application
> for all 250+ members.
> In my design I defined a database table 'member' to which the tables
> containing the content for the different menu items point. Then in the
> controller design I defined a function for every menu item. Similarly
> I defined views.
> Since not all members will have the same menu items, I thought of
> defining a table 'menu' in which the members could set menu items to
> true or false, and defining a function menu which generates the menu.
> Here's where I start worrying about the feasibility of my design.
> When the user clicks a member, I thought of setting the member id in
> session.member_id and passing this member_id around as an argument in
> every url. In every function I would check if the member id in the
> session is the same as the member id in the url. If not the function
> should redirect to a function that sets the member id in the session
> to the one in the url and call the menu function to generate the menu
> corresponding with the member id in the url.
> I hope some of you will give my idea some thought and comment on its
> feasibility and the things I overlooked and make it a bad idea. Any
> comment is very much appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Annet.

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