Here's the text of the pdf document, courtesy one of my websites,


web frameworks design comparison
draft - please help me improve it focus on Model-View-Controller

In Rails class MyTestController < ApplicationController def index
render_text "Hello World" end end

The name of the class has to match the name of the controller file.

In Django from django.http import HttpResponse def index(request):
return HttpResponse("Hello World")

Django is explicit, you need to import all functions you use.

In Cherrypy and TurboGears 1.0 import cherrypy class MyRoot:
@cherrypy.expose() def index(self): return "Hello World"

Cherrypy, Turbogears, and Pylons are also explicit. You need to import
all functions you want to use.

In web2py def index(): return "Hello World"

web2py is similar to Rails. It imports for you all the web2py keyword.
Often, like in this case, you do not need any.

Get/Post requests
In Rails class MyTestController < ApplicationController def index
render_text "Hello "+params[:who] end end

GET and POST variables are passed via params but other request
parameters (client ip for example) are passed via a different

Get/Post requests
In Django from django.http import HttpResponse def index(request):
return HttpResponse("Hello World %s" % request.REQUEST[`who’])

Nice, simple. The request contains all the info. You can use .GET
or .POST instead of .REQUEST to be more specific.

Get/Post requests
In Cherrypy and TurboGears 1.0 import cherrypy class MyRoot:
@cherrypy.expose() def index(self,who): return "Hello %s" % who

GET and POST variables are passed via arguments of the action, but
other request parameters (client ip for example) are passed via a
different mechanism.

Get/Post requests
In web2py def index(): return "Hello %s" % request.vars.who

Similar to Django. All request data is in one place. You can
use .get_vars and .post_vars instead of .vars to be more specific.

In Rails URL http://hostname/MyTest/index gets mapped into class
MyTestController < ApplicationController def index render_text "Hello
World" end end

By default Rails does not allow running multiple apps without running
multiple copies of Rails, since the name of the app is not in the URL,
only the controller name (MyTest) and the action name (index) appear.
This can be changed by configuring routes.

In Django you need to edit to map URLs into actions from
django.conf.urls.defaults import * urlpatterns = patterns(’’, (r’^index
$’, myapp.mycontroller.index), )

This is the equivalent of Rails’ routes and it requires using regular
expressions. There is no default. You need one entry in for
every action.

In Cherrypy and TurboGears 1.0 import cherrypy class MyRoot:
@cherrypy.expose() def index(self,who): return "Hello %s" % who

Works very much like Rails and default mapping between URL and action
can be overwritten.

In web2py a URL like http://hostname/myapp/mycontroller/index calls
def index(): return "Hello %s" % request.vars.who

Similar to Rails and Charrypy but, by default the URL requires that
you specify the name of the app. This allows web2py to run multiple
apps without using routes. Web2py has its own version of routes that
supports two different syntaxes (with and without regular expression)
to overwrite the mapping and reverse mapping as well.

Calling Views
In Rails class MyTestController < ApplicationController def index
@message="Hello World" end end

It calls the default view (MyTest/index) which renders the page. The
variables marked by @ are global vars and are passed to the view.
Notice that if the view is not defined, this results in an error

Calling Views
In Django from django.shortcuts import render_to_response def
index(request): return render_to_response("index.html",
{`message’:’Hello World’})

This is the short way of doing it in Django. You have to specify the
view name "index.html" since there is no default. Parameters are
passed via a dictionary. You get an error message if the view is not
defined. Notice that in Django a view is called a template and a
controller is called a view.

Calling Views
In TurboGears 1.0 with Cherrypy import turbogears from turbogears
import controllers, expose class MyRoot(controllers.RootController):
@expose(template="MyApp.MyRoot.index") def index(self): return
dict(message="Hello World")

The view is specified in the expose decorator.

Calling Views
In web2py def index(): return dict(message="Hello World")

The last line works like Cherrypy but by default it looks for a view
called "mycontroller/index.html" in "myapp". If this view does not
exist it uses a generic view to show all variables returned in the
dictionary. The default can be overwritten with

In Rails <% @recipes.each do |recipe| %> <%= %> <% end %>

It allows full Ruby in views but: - it does not escape strings by
default (unsafe) - <% %> requires a special editor since < > are
special in HTML

In Django {% for recipe in recipes %} {{}} {% endfor %}

The choice of {% %} and {{ }} tags is good because any HTML editor can
deal with them. The code looks like Python code but it is not (notice
the "endfor" which is not a python keyword. This limits what you can
do in views.

Kid or Genshi in TurboGears 1.0 or Cherrypy ...

This allows full Python quotes py:for="..." but it can only be used to
generate HTML/XML views, not dynamical JavaScript for example.

In web2py {{for recipe in recipes:}}> {{}} {{pass}}

Similar to Django but full Python in the code (notice "pass" is a
Python keyword) without indentation requirements (web2py indents the
code for you at runtime). Only one type of escape sequence {{ }} which
is transparent to all HTML editors. All string are escaped (unless
otherwise specified, like in Django and Kid). It can be used to
generate JavaScript (like Django and Rails).

Escaping in Views
In Rails <%%= message>

The double %% indicate the text has to be escaped. This is off by
default, hence unsafe. Should be the opposite.

Escaping in Views
In Django {% filter safe %} {{ message }} {% endfilter %}

Since Django 1.0 all text is escaped by default. You mark it as safe
if you do not want it to be escaped.

Escaping in Views
Kid or Genshi in TurboGears 1.0 or Cherrypy

Text is escaped by default. If text should not be escaped it has to be
marked with XML

Escaping in Views
In web2py {{=XML(,sanitize=False)}}

Text is escaped by default. If text should not be escaped it has to be
marked with XML. The optional sanitize option perform XML sanitization
by selective escaping some tags and not others. Which tags have to be
escaped and which tag attributes can be specified via arguments of

Views Hierarchy
In Rails Layout Example <%= yield %> and in controller:
render :layout=’filename.html.erb’

The rendered page is inserted in the <%= yield %> tag in the layout.
One can include other views with <%= render ... %> Notice that
also :layout follow a naming convention and there is a default.

Views Hierarchy
In Django Layout Example {% block main %} {% endblock %} and in view:
{%block main%}body{%endblock%}

Views can be extended and included using blocks that have names.

Views Hierarchy
Kid or Genshi in TurboGears 1.0 or Cherrypy ...

Views Hierarchy
In web2py Layout Example {{include}} and in view: {{extend
`layout.html’}} body

Notation similar to Rails but called like in Kid. The body replaces
{{include}} in the layout. layouts can extend other layouts. Views can
include other views.

In Rails <%= form_tag :action => "update" dp %> Name: <%= text_field
"item", "name" %>
Value: <%= text_field "item", "value" %>
<%= submit_tag %> <%= end %>

Rails has helpers to create forms but that’s it. As far as I know
there is no standard mechanism to automatically create forms from
models (database tables). Perhaps there are Rails add-on to do this.
There is a mechanism to validate submitted forms.

In Django # in model class ArticleForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model =
Article # in controller def contact(request): if request.method ==
’POST’: form = ContactForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return
HttpResponseRedirect(’/thanks/’) else: form = ContactForm() # An
unbound form return render_to_response(’contact.html’, { ’form’:
form,}) In Django, you can create a Form (ArticleForm) from a model
(Article). The Form knows how to serialize itself and validate the
input on selfsubmission, but the errors are not automatically inserted
in the form.

Kid or Genshi in TurboGears 1.0 or Cherrypy ?

I believe you need to use a library like ToscaWidgets. Sorry, I am not
familiar with them. If you know how to fill this page please let me

In web2py def contact(request): form = SQLFORM(Article) if
form.accepts(request.vars): redirect(’thanks’) return dict(form=form)

This is the same as the previous Django form (generated from the
Article) model, except that when the form is serialized, if there are
errors, they are displayed in the form itself (unless specified
otherwise). Web2py forms can also prevent double submission.

In Rails ActiveForm::Definition::create :article do |f|
f.section :details do |s| s.text_element :email,:class => ’required’
do |e| e.validates_as_email :msg => ’not email’ end end

Rails defines validators like requires, email, etc. You can associate
validators to a form. In your controllers you need to check if a form
is valid, and, on error, alter the page to include the errors
generated by validation.

In Django from django.core.validators import * class
Article(models.Model): email =
models.EmailField( validator_list=[isValidEmail])

Very much like Rails but more validators. Validators are specified in
models and/or forms.

In web2py db.define_table(`Article’,SQLField(`email’))

Similar to Django and Rails because validators are attached to table
fields and form fields but validators are classes not objects. This
means they must be instantiated with (). You can pass arguments to the
validators to change their behavior (for example the error message).
The presence of validators affects the way a field is rendered in a
form. For example IS_IN_SET() renders the field with a dropbox.

Models and Migrations
In Rails class Article < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up
create_table :articles do |t| t.column :name, :string
t.column :description, :text end end end

In Rails there is a place to define tables that need to be created/
deleted/ altered (migrations) and a different place to establish
relations between tables (one to many, many to many, etc)

Models and Migrations
In Django class Article(models.Model): name = models.StringField()
description = models.TextField()

In Django there is one place where models are defined. If the tables
do not exist they are created. Django does not do migrations (i.e. it
does not alter or drop tables if the models change). For many to many
relations, it creates the intermediate link table for you.

Models and Migrations
In SQLAlchemy (used in TG and Pylons) from turbogears.database import
metadata, mapper sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer mytable =
Table(’mytable’, metadata, Column(’id’, Integer, primary_key=True))
class MyTable(object): pass mapper(MyTable, mytable)

SQLAlchemy makes a distinction between what tables are in the database
and how they are mapped into Python objects. This is because SQLAchemy
can deal with legacy databases. Rails, Django and web2py can but with
limitations (in the case of web2py for example, tables must have an
integer auto-increment key field called "id").

Models and Migrations
In web2py Article=db.define_table(`Article’,
SQLField(`email’,’string’), SQLField(`description’,’text’)

The syntax is a little different but the functionality is similar to
Rails. If the the table in the model above does not exist it is
created. If the model changes, web2py alters the table accordingly.
One to many ad many to many relations are implied by reference fields.

Select Query
In Rails Article.find(:first,:conditions => [ "id > :id AND name
= :name", {:id => 3, :name => "test" }])

This is the most common notation for a select. The conditions argument
is basically a SQL statement but the parameters are passed as
additional arguments.

Select Query
In Django Article.objects.filter(id__gt=3,name=’test’)

"id__gt=3" reads "id greater than 3". Django queries are lazy-

Select Query
In SQLAlchemy (used in TG and Pylons) query(Article).filter_by(id>3,

Select Query
In web2py db(>3 and’test’).select()

In web2py you always need to specify which db you are acting on
because you can have multiple db connections in the same code.

In Rails class MyTestController < ApplicationController def index
Record.transaction do ... end end end

In Django from django.http import HttpResponse from django.db import
transaction @transaction.commit_on_success def index(request): ...
return HttpResponse("Hello World")

There are multiple decorators: autocommit (commits always),
commit_on_success (commit only if not Exception), commit_manually
(requires calling) transaction.commit() or transaction.rollback()

In TurboGears import turbogears from turbogears import controllers,
expose class MyRoot(controllers.RootController):
@expose(template="MyApp.MyRoot.index") def index(self): ... return
dict(message="Hello World")

By default all actions are enclosed in a transaction that commits on
success and rollsback on exception.

In web2py def index() ... return dict(message="Hello World")

By default all actions are enclosed in a transaction that commits on
success and rollsback on exception.

In Rails Rails currently doesn’t offer any explicit support for
internationalization. Perhaps it should, perhaps it’s too app specific
to generalize.

Thinks will change in Rails 2.2 but here we talk about present, not

In Django from django.http import HttpResponse from
django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ def my_view(request):
message = _("Hello World") return HttpResponse(message)

Using `_’ is the common convention. Requires a few shell commands to
build and edit the dictionaries.

In TurboGears import turbogears from turbogears import controllers,
expose class MyRoot(controllers.RootController):
@expose(template="MyApp.MyRoot.index") def index(self):
message=_("Hello World") return dict(message=message)

As in the case of Django, this requires some shell commands to build
and edit the dictionaries.

web2py vs Other Web Frameworks

Other Web Frameworks?
· j2ee · PHP · CakePHP · Django · Pylons · Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Who’s not in the list?
· TurboGears (because TG2 is not that
different from Pylons+SQLAlchemy +Genshi)

·, werkzeug, karrigell, psp, etc. (all
excellent frameworks with their functionalities are too limited for a
fair comparison)

Who’s not in the list?
· Cherrypy (the cherrypy wsgiserver is
included in web2py)

· j2ee (there are too many to choose) · Zope (sorry, I do not
understand Zope)

Underlying Language
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR
python java
syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl

php python python ruby

Model View Controller
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes no yes yes yes yes

Model View Controller
· in web2py, given a model, the default
controller provides a database administrative interface
(each app has its own) default, has a generic view

· in web2py, every controller function, by

Model View Controller

Web Based Interface
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no no no

Django has a database administrative interface only not not an app
development/management administrative interface like web2py.

only at which, anyway, is very limited compared to the
web2py one.

Web Based Interface
· The web2py web based administrative · The use of the web based
interface is
interface allows you to do development, debugging, testing,
deployment, maintenance, and database administration. "optional" and
not required. The same functionality can be accessed via the Python

Web Based Interface

Web Based Interface

web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR

Web Based Database Administrative Interface
yes no no no yes no no
one for every app via third party application via third party
application via third party application

via third party application via third party application

web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR

Generic CRUD helpers/controllers
yes no no yes yes no yes

upload forms
· Only web2py and Django have a standard
securely renamed, stored on disk and the name is store in the
database. Upload is always done via streaming in order to handle large
files. mechanism to handle file upload and secure storage.

· In case of the web2py the uploaded file is

Byte Code Compilation
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes no no yes yes no
there is a button [compile all] it compiles models, controllers and

it is always possible to bytecode compile python code, usually not the
views/templates, but this is not as trivial as clicking on one button

Byte Code Compilation
· web2py and j2ee are the only frameworks
that allow to byte code compile applications and distribute them in
closed source.

Ticketing System
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no no no

can be configured to send you an email in case of error can be
configured to send you an email in case of error

Ticketing System
· web2py has not distinction between
debugging and production modes. All uncaught exceptions are logged and
a ticket is issued to the visitor in order to recover the associated
log. the administrative interface

· Administrator can browse and read logs via

Zero Installation
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no no no

Zero Installation
· The binary distributions of web2py (for
Windows and Mac) package the interpreter, the SQLite database and the
administrative interface. a USB drive.

· They require no installation and can run off

Zero Configuration
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no no no

Zero Configuration
· web2py has no configuration file at the
framework level. This ensures an easy setup and portability of
applications. All other frameworks require some type of configuration.

· web2py applications can have configuration

Web Based Model Designer
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no yes no
on web page

via CatWalk (SQLObjects only?)

Web Based Model Designer

Web Based Testing
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no no no
as web interface to DocTests

Web Based Testing

Runs on Google App Engine
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes with some limitations no
no no yes but not the ORM yes but not all its components no

Runs on Google App Engine
· web2py is the only framework that allows
to develop on your own platform and then run the app, unmodified on
the Google App Engine (with the limitations imposed by the App
Engine). web2py database abstraction layer supports the Google Query

· No need to rewrite the model since the

web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
for any function, you can specify whether to cache in ram, on disk,
with memcache, or combinations.

with third party components memcache memcache ram, disk, db, memcache
ram, disk, db, memcache memcache

Native Template Language
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
100% Python with no indentation need most common are XML or JSP PHP is
itself a template language PHP Django Template Language Kid, Genshi,
Mako, Cheetah, etc. Ruby

Native Template Language
· Any Python Framework can use any
Python-based Template Language (for example web2py can use Genshi,
Pylons can use web2py’s). consists of pure code embedded in {{ }} tags
inside HTML. Blocks end with "pass", so no indentation requirements.

· The native web2py template language

Template Language
· web2py View Example:
{{for i in range(10):}} Hello number {{=i}}

Template Extension
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Template Extension
· web2py Example:
{{extend `layout.html’}}
Hello world {{include `sidebar.html’}}

HTML Helpers
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no yes yes yes yes

web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no yes yes yes no

· In web2py, text is marked for translation
using T("hello world").

· Translations are edited via the provided
administrative interface. translations like in

· It is possible to have variables in
T("Hello %(name)s",dict(name="Massimo"))

Database Abstraction
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no yes yes yes
limited to JavaBeans
PearDB does not count because because it requires the developer to
write SQL queries and has no Object Relational Mapper

via SQLAlchemy or SQLObjects via ActiveRecords

Database Abstraction
· The web2py ORM works seamlessly with
SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and on the Google App Engine (with
the limitations imposed by the Google system)

Database Abstraction
· web2py example

· equivalent Django example

Left Outer Joins
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes
n/a because no ORM n/a because no ORM n/a because no ORM

yes yes yes

requires a custom Q object with SQLAlchemy, no with SQLObjects

Left Outer Joins
· All the Python ORMs have the ability to

execute raw SQL therefore they allow allow LEFT OUTER JOIN although
not in a SQL-dialect independent way

Automatic Migrations
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no yes yes

Automatic Migrations
· In web2py if one changes the data model, it

automatically and transparently generates and executes SQL to ALTER
TABLEs. There is no special command to type like in Rails.

Multiple Databases
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes yes yes no yes ?

but there is a branch that allows it

Multiple Databases
· In web2py table objects are attributes of a
database connection therefore there is no conflict if one establishes
multiple connections.

· In other framework tables are represented

by classes and there may be conflicts if two databases have tables
with same name.

Distributed Transactions
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes no no no no no
with PostgreSQL only

CRUD methods
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no yes yes no yes
via third party plugin via third party plugin

Blocks SQL Injections
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no yes yes yes
up to the programmer to write secure code

Blocks Double Submit
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no no no

Blocks Double Submit
· web2py provides methods to generate

forms form database tables and automatically validates and processes
forms on submission. It also injects a one-time token in each form to
prevent double form submission and some reply attacks.

xmlrpc services
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes no no no yes no

Included Ajax Library
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no yes no no yes
jQuery jQuery Scriptaculous

Included Ajax Library

· Any of the frameworks can use any third

party Ajax libraries, here we are concerned with server-side
programming only.

JSON support
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
simplejson is included

simplejson is included simplejson is included

File Streaming
web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
by default for all static large files

not by default

web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no yes no by

not out of the box rely on web server for static content, requires
programming otherwise

web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no no no yes no by
not out of the box rely on web server for static content, requires
programming otherwise

Handlers for Web Servers
· web2py is wsgi compliant. · comes with the cherrypy wsgi fast and
sslenbled web server.

· runs with apache and mod_proxy or
mod_rewrite or mod_wsgi.

· runs with lightpd with FastCGI. · runs as CGI script.

web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR yes no no yes yes yes yes
including reversed, with or without regex allows IP filtering
delegated to web server delegated to web server no reversed, no IP
filter uses regex, no reversed routes, no IP filter similar to rails
reversed routes? no IP filter

· In web2py routes are "optional" and there
is a default mapping between URLs and controllers (similar to Rails).

· IP filter is a web2py feature that allows to
map URLs into controllers in a way that depends on the visitor IP
pattern. In this way different visitors see different pages but the
same URL.

web2py j2ee PHP CakePHP Django Pylons RoR
120 pages draft manual online, one book too many published books many
published books online examples only three books online examples only
many published books

· Most of the frameworks, including web2py,
have extensive online documentation

· Web2py also has a repository of free plug-

in applications including wikis, blogs, a chat line, an online store,
log analyzer, and more.

Links to web2py
· · FAQ:
· Free Apps:

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