thanks. can you take charge and post it on a google doc? I can help

On Sep 8, 9:08 pm, weheh <> wrote:
> Here's the text of the pdf document, courtesy one of my websites,
> YAKiToMe!
> ---------------------------
> web frameworks design comparison
> draft - please help me improve it focus on Model-View-Controller
> frameworks
> Controllers
> In Rails class MyTestController < ApplicationController def index
> render_text "Hello World" end end
> The name of the class has to match the name of the controller file.
> Controllers
> In Django from django.http import HttpResponse def index(request):
> return HttpResponse("Hello World")
> Django is explicit, you need to import all functions you use.
> Controllers
> In Cherrypy and TurboGears 1.0 import cherrypy class MyRoot:
> @cherrypy.expose() def index(self): return "Hello World"
> Cherrypy, Turbogears, and Pylons are also explicit. You need to import
> all functions you want to use.
> Controllers
> In web2py def index(): return "Hello World"
> web2py is similar to Rails. It imports for you all the web2py keyword.
> Often, like in this case, you do not need any.
> Get/Post requests
> In Rails class MyTestController < ApplicationController def index
> render_text "Hello "+params[:who] end end
> GET and POST variables are passed via params but other request
> parameters (client ip for example) are passed via a different
> mechanism.
> Get/Post requests
> In Django from django.http import HttpResponse def index(request):
> return HttpResponse("Hello World %s" % request.REQUEST[`who’])
> Nice, simple. The request contains all the info. You can use .GET
> or .POST instead of .REQUEST to be more specific.
> Get/Post requests
> In Cherrypy and TurboGears 1.0 import cherrypy class MyRoot:
> @cherrypy.expose() def index(self,who): return "Hello %s" % who
> GET and POST variables are passed via arguments of the action, but
> other request parameters (client ip for example) are passed via a
> different mechanism.
> Get/Post requests
> In web2py def index(): return "Hello %s" % request.vars.who
> Similar to Django. All request data is in one place. You can
> use .get_vars and .post_vars instead of .vars to be more specific.
> Dispatching
> In Rails URLhttp://hostname/MyTest/indexgets mapped into class
> MyTestController < ApplicationController def index render_text "Hello
> World" end end
> By default Rails does not allow running multiple apps without running
> multiple copies of Rails, since the name of the app is not in the URL,
> only the controller name (MyTest) and the action name (index) appear.
> This can be changed by configuring routes.
> Dispatching
> In Django you need to edit to map URLs into actions from
> django.conf.urls.defaults import * urlpatterns = patterns(’’, (r’^index
> $’, myapp.mycontroller.index), )
> This is the equivalent of Rails’ routes and it requires using regular
> expressions. There is no default. You need one entry in for
> every action.
> Dispatching
> In Cherrypy and TurboGears 1.0 import cherrypy class MyRoot:
> @cherrypy.expose() def index(self,who): return "Hello %s" % who
> Works very much like Rails and default mapping between URL and action
> can be overwritten.
> Dispatching
> In web2py a URL likehttp://hostname/myapp/mycontroller/indexcalls
> def index(): return "Hello %s" % request.vars.who
> Similar to Rails and Charrypy but, by default the URL requires that
> you specify the name of the app. This allows web2py to run multiple
> apps without using routes. Web2py has its own version of routes that
> supports two different syntaxes (with and without regular expression)
> to overwrite the mapping and reverse mapping as well.
> Calling Views
> In Rails class MyTestController < ApplicationController def index
> @message="Hello World" end end
> It calls the default view (MyTest/index) which renders the page. The
> variables marked by @ are global vars and are passed to the view.
> Notice that if the view is not defined, this results in an error
> message.
> Calling Views
> In Django from django.shortcuts import render_to_response def
> index(request): return render_to_response("index.html",
> {`message’:’Hello World’})
> This is the short way of doing it in Django. You have to specify the
> view name "index.html" since there is no default. Parameters are
> passed via a dictionary. You get an error message if the view is not
> defined. Notice that in Django a view is called a template and a
> controller is called a view.
> Calling Views
> In TurboGears 1.0 with Cherrypy import turbogears from turbogears
> import controllers, expose class MyRoot(controllers.RootController):
> @expose(template="MyApp.MyRoot.index") def index(self): return
> dict(message="Hello World")
> The view is specified in the expose decorator.
> Calling Views
> In web2py def index(): return dict(message="Hello World")
> The last line works like Cherrypy but by default it looks for a view
> called "mycontroller/index.html" in "myapp". If this view does not
> exist it uses a generic view to show all variables returned in the
> dictionary. The default can be overwritten with
> response.view=’filename.html’
> Views
> In Rails <% @recipes.each do |recipe| %> <%= %> <% end %>
> It allows full Ruby in views but: - it does not escape strings by
> default (unsafe) - <% %> requires a special editor since < > are
> special in HTML
> Views
> In Django {% for recipe in recipes %} {{}} {% endfor %}
> The choice of {% %} and {{ }} tags is good because any HTML editor can
> deal with them. The code looks like Python code but it is not (notice
> the "endfor" which is not a python keyword. This limits what you can
> do in views.
> Views
> Kid or Genshi in TurboGears 1.0 or Cherrypy ...
> This allows full Python quotes py:for="..." but it can only be used to
> generate HTML/XML views, not dynamical JavaScript for example.
> Views
> In web2py {{for recipe in recipes:}}> {{}} {{pass}}
> Similar to Django but full Python in the code (notice "pass" is a
> Python keyword) without indentation requirements (web2py indents the
> code for you at runtime). Only one type of escape sequence {{ }} which
> is transparent to all HTML editors. All string are escaped (unless
> otherwise specified, like in Django and Kid). It can be used to
> generate JavaScript (like Django and Rails).
> Escaping in Views
> In Rails <%%= message>
> The double %% indicate the text has to be escaped. This is off by
> default, hence unsafe. Should be the opposite.
> Escaping in Views
> In Django {% filter safe %} {{ message }} {% endfilter %}
> Since Django 1.0 all text is escaped by default. You mark it as safe
> if you do not want it to be escaped.
> Escaping in Views
> Kid or Genshi in TurboGears 1.0 or Cherrypy
> Text is escaped by default. If text should not be escaped it has to be
> marked with XML
> Escaping in Views
> In web2py {{=XML(,sanitize=False)}}
> Text is escaped by default. If text should not be escaped it has to be
> marked with XML. The optional sanitize option perform XML sanitization
> by selective escaping some tags and not others. Which tags have to be
> escaped and which tag attributes can be specified via arguments of
> XML.
> Views Hierarchy
> In Rails Layout Example <%= yield %> and in controller:
> render :layout=’filename.html.erb’
> The rendered page is inserted in the <%= yield %> tag in the layout.
> One can include other views with <%= render ... %> Notice that
> also :layout follow a naming convention and there is a default.
> Views Hierarchy
> In Django Layout Example {% block main %} {% endblock %} and in view:
> {%block main%}body{%endblock%}
> Views can be extended and included using blocks that have names.
> Views Hierarchy
> Kid or Genshi in TurboGears 1.0 or Cherrypy ...
> Views Hierarchy
> In web2py Layout Example {{include}} and in view: {{extend
> `layout.html’}} body
> Notation similar to Rails but called like in Kid. The body replaces
> {{include}} in the layout. layouts can extend other layouts. Views can
> include other views.
> Forms
> In Rails <%= form_tag :action => "update" dp %> Name: <%= text_field
> "item", "name" %>
> Value: <%= text_field "item", "value" %>
> <%= submit_tag %> <%= end %>
> Rails has helpers to create forms but that’s it. As far as I know
> there is no standard mechanism to automatically create forms from
> models (database tables). Perhaps there are Rails add-on to do this.
> There is a mechanism to validate submitted forms.
> Forms
> In Django # in model class ArticleForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model =
> Article # in controller def contact(request): if request.method ==
> ’POST’: form = ContactForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return
> HttpResponseRedirect(’/thanks/’) else: form = ContactForm() # An
> unbound form return render_to_response(’contact.html’, { ’form’:
> form,}) In Django, you can create a Form (ArticleForm) from a model
> (Article). The Form knows how to serialize itself and validate the
> input on selfsubmission, but the errors are not automatically inserted
> in the form.
> Forms
> Kid or Genshi in TurboGears 1.0 or Cherrypy ?
> I believe you need to use a library like ToscaWidgets. Sorry, I am not
> familiar with them. If you know how to fill this page please let me
> know.
> Forms
> In web2py def contact(request): form = SQLFORM(Article) if
> form.accepts(request.vars): redirect(’thanks’) return dict(form=form)
> This is the same as the previous Django form (generated from the
> Article) model, except that when the form is serialized, if there are
> errors, they are displayed in the form itself (unless specified
> otherwise). Web2py forms can also prevent double submission.
> Validation
> In Rails ActiveForm::Definition::create :article do |f|
> f.section :details do |s| s.text_element :email,:class => ’required’
> do |e| e.validates_as_email :msg => ’not email’ end end
> Rails defines validators like requires, email, etc. You can associate
> validators to a form. In your controllers you need to check if a form
> is...
> read more »

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