> Hello,
> This works fine:
> uwsgi --pythonpath /var/web2py --module wsgihandler -s /tmp/
> we2py.sock  --http :9090
> If I point to localhost:9090 works ok and I see the welcome
> application.
> After that:
> If I make a config.xml file as is described on
> http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/wiki/Example
> and I try with the virtualserver wizard to creat a uWSGI server I get
> the following error:
> /var/web2py/config.xml seems not to be a valid uWSGI xml configuration
> file.
> To get these step ok my config.xml file has to be the same as this:
> <uwsgi>
>     <pythonpath>/var/web2py/</pythonpath>
>     <app mountpoint="/">
>     <script>wsgihandler</script>
>     </app>
> </uwsgi>

I fear that Cherokee has an outdated wizard, you should be able
to load every valid uWSGI xml file in it.

I will try to send a patch to the Cherokee team ASAP.

In the mean time do not use its wizard but simply add a remote source
specifying the address of the uWSGI server

Roberto De Ioris

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